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  1. Yes, email from Dr. Stillman, then I saw it on Galaxy. I'm in state (actually a utd grad from many years ago!), but "nontraditional" (I feel so old) currently paying daycare for 2 kids and saving every spare dollar.
  2. I got The Email - assuming I can figure out how to pay for it, I'm going to utd! Good luck, everybody.
  3. Thanks @lbh33 and @Brittanymarie, they did NOT have my transcripts even though I submitted them with my app weeks ago, so I am having a pretty horrible morning. @stargirl62 you should definitely call them.
  4. I got what appeared to be an automated email this morning from admissions-status@utdallas.edu reminding me to send in an official transcript for my application to be processed. Anybody else get this? I think the unofficial versions I submitted with my app are good enough for the current stage, but I'm just wondering if this is an auto blast or if it might signify that my application is currently being looked at, etc....
  5. I didn't think it was possible for me to check my email MORE frequently than I already have been, but apparently it is. It's gonna be a long week.
  6. Where are y'all seeing GRE/GPA of admitted folks? Is it in that huge thread for all schools? I'm assuming mine are competitive but don't know for sure.
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