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Everything posted by cat_not_kitty

  1. I'm loath to make that call, Btt112169, but I do know that the deadline for graduate units to notify SGS of their nominations was June 1st. What does your application status say?
  2. I think it's completely safe to get your hopes up, but I totally get wanting to be cautious ☺️. That's odd re your SGS application status – mine changed to "Recommended" the day I got the email from my graduate unit. When you go to the application website, does the button that used to say "Apply for OGS" now say "View OGS result"? Either way, sounds like it's just a technical oversight if you got the email from the SGS requesting eligibility info. Back in May, when I received the nomination email, I was wondering the same thing as you – how excited can I be right now? I posted about it over on the Canadian MSW Applicants 2018 Waiting Game topic and a forum user who was going into her second year and who had received OGS in her first year confirmed that she had received an email from the social work department in May, request for eligibility info from SGS in June, and then official confirmation mid-July.
  3. Hi Btt, See above ?.
  4. Hi Elmora, Generally speaking, I would treat confirmation from the SGS as just a formality if you’ve been nominated by your department. The process at UofT (for Social Work) was slightly different than what you’re describing. I received an email from the department saying I had been recommended in May, and in early June, I received an email from the SGS asking me to complete the eligibility step, which was just a simple form that asked for only the most basic of information (it was so general and brief, I can’t even remember any specific details). After filling out the form, I received an automated email saying that official confirmation of awards would be mid-July, after confirmation of the eligibility info I had provided. All to say, my understanding would be that you’ve been awarded OGS and are just awaiting official confirmation!!
  5. There is indeed: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209577219803864/?source=create_flow The group is named University of Toronto MSW at FIFSW | Class of 2020, in case the link doesn’t work for you!
  6. Hi lovelife905! Just to clarify, do you mean taking the summer practicum (along with Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families) allows one to collect the third OGS payment?
  7. Oh, I see. You have to organise a Special Studies course that runs for the minimum required consecutive weeks. I was thinking that this was just another term for the Special Topics courses that run in the Summer session. Hmm...that’s a bit of an added wrinkle. Ah, well — one step at a time ☺️.
  8. Thanks for all this info, kiki14! The email was from April in FIFSW Student Services. The subject line is "2018-2019 OGS Application Result" – she confirms the nomination by the FIFSW selection committee and says that we'll receive an official offer letter from the SGS in July, after final review and confirmation of eligibility. The language is quite definitive e.g., "the value of your scholarship will be...", "should you anticipate declining...", "I would like to extend my congratulations" etc., so was thinking that the SGS stuff was just a formality...sounds like that's a good bet. I'm going to allow myself to be supremely excited ?. Oh, I was going to ask about 2 versus 3 session awards! So you have to take at least one summer course to be awarded the full amount...good to know. Good incentive to take one or two and lighten the workload slightly for other semesters anyway. Yeah, I wouldn't think there'd be any chance of getting one of the internal awards other than the merit-based entrance awards, as it's important to distribute what little funding there is equitably.
  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! So excited to hear that you've been nominated too!! I'll pop over to FB and let @kiki14 know that we've got a discussion going on over here that we were hoping she could weigh in on ?. As for eligibility for the FIFSW entrance awards, the OGS is an external award (though 1/3 funded by U of T) and the entrance awards are internal, so I don't think they preclude one another. I've seen folks receive both an OGS and an entrance award in the past (including kiki14 last year, I believe). Huge congrats again!!
  10. I received an email from FIFSW Student Services this evening (after business hours) letting me know that I've been nominated by the selection committee for an OGS! My application on the SGS site has also changed from "Received" to "Recommended". So, first of all, WAY earlier than I was expecting, based both on previous years and on available (though conflicting) info on different areas of the application site...I was thinking by end-of-June for nomination. And second of all, @kiki14 (or other past winners out there), I was hoping you could shed some light on the process for OGS at U of T: should I treat the faculty nomination as an offer that just needs to go through the formality of being confirmed by SGS, or is there a secondary selection process at that level? The email made it seem like the former, but I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed. (Thought I'd continue this conversation here rather than start it again in the closed group on FB, just so future applicants have the full story...I found there to be a distinct paucity of info available re the OGS for MSW applicants/students.)
  11. Congratulations, lindaMSW!! I remember you from when I was reading last year's forum – so happy that you'll be joining us at U of T!
  12. Yaaaaaaaay! Congratulations, smntoronto – I know how much you originally wanted to get in to U of T!!!! Now, to make some big decisions ☺️. York is FAR more geared to macro practice from a critical perspective (as I posted lots about earlier in the season). U of T's Social Justice and Diversity stream in the second year teaches macro theory/practice, but the first year will focus on micro, clinical skills. Can't wait to see what you decide. Congrats again – I was really pulling for you!
  13. Aww, how absolutely incredible that you're fulfilling such a dream goal – will miss getting to know you, but so happy for you!! To us crossing paths in the future ??!
  14. Congratulations!! So, what does this mean for you?! Will it be U of T or Laurier? Don't forget to weigh in my incredible sense of humour when making your final decision ?.
  15. Happy that you've settled on a path that makes more sense for you, but you definitely should have received official notice of your status via mail – whether you were accepted, waitlisted, or rejected. If you were waitlisted, you would have had to confirm your desire to remain on the list. Even if just for curiosity's sake, I think it's worth contacting Angela to find out what your status is, letting her know that you never received anything in the mail. Good luck – looking forward to working with you too ☺️!!
  16. Congratulations, ciders_only!!! Don’t know how I missed that you had also gotten accepted to U of T. Excited to be classmates — come join the FB group, if you haven’t already!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209577219803864/?source=create_flow The group is named University of Toronto MSW at FIFSW | Class of 2020, in case the link doesn’t work for you.
  17. Hi EndlesslyWaiting! I was accepted via ACORN on March 27th and saw no change on SGS for days afterwards. I received my snail mail package yesterday evening – my SGS now says "Decision Made". Would have been changed Tuesday at the earliest as it wasn't updated before the long weekend. In the past, all results (acceptance, waitlist, rejection) eventually saw "Decision Made" on SGS, but there seemed to be little rhyme or reason to how/when the site was updated. This year even ACORN was less reliable, as some people got acceptances in the mail, with no "Invited" on the site. Hang in there!
  18. Love everything you've said here and totally understand why you're preparing your heart for the worst...but I'm still not giving up on you getting in, damn it!! They've clearly got some major administrative issues going on over there.
  19. Hi, Terrens123! Congratulations on your acceptance!! Thank you so much for creating the group! Happy to co-administrate of you'd like to add me – I'll send you a PM with my name and then request join via FB. Yay! So looking forward to taking on this journey all together! Editing to tag everyone else I could think of: @karisma @hannahdaviidson @MEGSMSW2018 @Hopeful4 @tr11 @Rectitude @Corrina_22 @meerkitty@Casper13 @jage24
  20. Haha – sounds like we're a social-media-light group, the lot of us. I'll wait for one of the other 2-years to respond – hopefully, one of them is super active on FB and administrating won't be a bother. If it turns out we're all a bunch of luddites, happy to take it on .
  21. Out of reactions (again! :/). Thanks so much for the info, kiki14!
  22. They certainly seem to be making some adjustments in enrolment based on internal issues/requirements. Just surprising to see a reduction of 10-15 students in both programs this year!
  23. Got my official acceptance package from U of T yesterday evening! Super exciting to have it in hand and be able to officially announce everything to friends/family/referees, etc. Apart from that, there wasn't all that much information in it. Very exciting to hear that some folks received acceptances WITHOUT their ACORN updating! Fingers crossed for all those who are still waiting to receive their packages!! Thought I would share that I called Angela to ask whether one should assume that one didn't receive an entrance scholarship if there was no information about that in the package and she said that that was a completely different process that would take place later. I tried to make it clear that I was asking about the entrance scholarships based on GPA specifically (the $4000 ones, which HAVE been included in packages in past years), as opposed to the internal awards process that takes place after classes start...she seemed to understand what I was referring to, but she was quite distracted sounding. It seems odd to me that information about entrance scholarships wouldn't be provided as part of an offer... Tagging in a few people who I know off the top of my head are accepted to U of T's 2-year program (so sorry for anyone I missed), so they have this info, and to ask whether anyone received information on/confirmation of an entrance scholarship with their packages. Do any 1-years have any feedback on this? And finally (rather all over the place this post – sorry!), should we go ahead and start our official UofT MSW at FIFSW class of 2020 Facebook group ? I'd be happy to do it, but it might actually make more sense for someone who's more active on FB to take the administrator reigns, so that requests to join the group are dealt with in a timely fashion. Anyone up for taking that on? I'll send you a PM with my name, as I believe you need to add at least one other member when creating a group (and happy to take on secondary admin role). @karisma @MSW2018applicant @nicoleMSW @hannahdaviidson @MEGSMSW2018 @Hopeful4 @tr11 @Rectitude
  24. So excited for everyone who has received acceptances from Laurier!! CONGRATULATIONS!! They're reaaaaaaaaaally drawing the process out, eh? I cannot believe how slowly they've been rolling in and that the online applicants STILL haven't heard yet! That's just nuts. Butt cheeks firmly clenched for all those who are still waiting to hear, with a special shout out to @SW Sevante – there with you in spirit ❤️.
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