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Everything posted by cat_not_kitty
I totally get your frustration, Erin – so many incredibly qualified candidates and an inadequate number of spots . Usually, there would be the caveat that these numbers need to be kept in line with employment outlook for positions, but the Job Bank report for social work – across much of Canada and specifically in Toronto – calls for growth in the sector... https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_bynoc.do?&noc=4152&reportOption=outlook
Thanks so much for calling in and sharing this updated info, spers! For 1-years, this is a seriously substantial shift down in acceptance rate! According to the Self Study on their website, they received ~250 applications in 2014 and accepted 95, for an acceptance rate of 38%. According to the updated numbers provided by them today, they've had a 40% increase in applications received AND have lowered the number of accepted students, shifting acceptance rate to between 23-26%! There already aren't enough spots for qualified applicants...sad to see acceptance rates going DOWN instead of up. The number of 2-year students accepted also went down from 145 to 130, for an acceptance rate of 16% .
Hi Hopeful4! If your ACORN says ‘Invited’, you can be 100% confident that you are accepted — this has been anecdotally confirmed many times over here on the forums year-to-year and officially confirmed by Angela and the SGS office multiple times (including this year, upthread). No need to add unnecessary stress to your plate after all the anxiety of waiting! You’ve been accepted!! Congratulations!!! Looking forward to being classmates! P.s. I’m in downtown Toronto and I haven’t received my letter yet, so no need to worry about that...just the post office being flaky due to the long weekend.
Hi spers – congratulations on your waitlist status!! Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing how many applicants will get in off the waitlist because there are just too many variables to take into account, and these change year-to-year. But I thought I would quote in some back and forth posts from way earlier in this season's thread, for additional info.
Really pulling for you to make it in off the waitlist @smntoronto!! But so happy for you that you have York already in the bag — it’s a way tougher program to get into, so I’m sure you’re not overly disappointed about your current waitlist status at U of T.
Hi @CaribbeanSW! I'd definitely look into getting an Airbnb instead of booking a hotel – you'll get way more bang for buck and get a real feel of what it will be like to live in the city! Pick somewhere with tons of positive reviews (perhaps this is obvious, but I wouldn't want to lead you down the wrong path if you've never used Airbnb before; what I mean is to avoid places that only have a couple of reviews, even if they're positive – it's just too risky). Don't worry about being super close to the university itself, if that ends up being cost-prohibitive. Look for somewhere with good access to the TTC (doesn't necessarily have to be a subway stop – buses and streetcars are perfectly fine for getting you where you need to go as long as you give yourself time and the weather isn't awful...though do keep in mind that we often still have a couple of snowstorms into April ...keep that in mind for packing, too). Things will be cheaper the further out of the city you go in any direction, but if I were staying here (especially for the first time), I'd want to stick to Toronto proper (I don't want to ruffle any Torontonian feathers by delineating specific NESW boundaries, but I'll be honest...I have some in mind ). If you end up narrowing your search down to a couple of places, don't hesitate to private message me – I'll provide whatever feedback I can on your shortlist. Congratulations on your acceptance!! Toronto is an INCREDIBLE place to live – I'm first generation Canadian (my mum emigrated from India and my father from England), born and raised here. You'll find lots to love/do/eat/drink here once you figure out the ins-and-outs of the city!
Nope – nothing to stress about! I didn't get anything today either and I'm also 'Invited' on ACORN. Just the post office being flaky ...I've never seen an invite not result in an acceptance. AND CONGRATULATIONS!! Can't wait to be classmates!
I'm so sorry that you didn't get the news you were hoping for today, Erin – but, as many others have said, being waitlisted is a huge achievement, especially when you're applying straight from undergrad. I have to say, your application is incredible and very well-rounded – I think you have an excellent chance of making it in off the waitlist. Obviously, proceed with cautious optimism to protect your heart, but it's NOT over. Moreover, I'll say this: if this year isn't the year, I don't think you necessarily need to be looking into college programs at this point. Your application is SERIOUSLY solid – I really believe that if you bulk up your social service experience (via paid or volunteer work – it doesn't matter), you'll be a shoe-in. I read that you've applied for victim services aide and youth probation assistant positions – those have competencies that are 100% applicable to social work, as long as you contextalise them in your statement. I think you'd see equal or better results from spending all the hours you'd dedicate to a post-grad diploma/certificate to volunteering in positions that include direct work with clients (e.g., Hospice Toronto, Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care, Toronto Distress Centre, Victim Services Toronto, Community Living, etc.), regardless of the paid work you end up securing. Only my opinion, of course, but though I'd share it to give you more to chew on. Hope you have something special planned this weekend for your birthday, to get your mind off of this for now!
Congratulations, meerkitty (from one 'kitty' to another )!! Thank you for so generously sharing your experience with us – it's a testament to your perseverance and reflexivity, and to the admission committee's commitment to assessing applications comprehensively and holistically. I look forward to being classmates!
There with you in solidarity! It's been a long and winding road of almost 20 years for me to get to this point. I returned to finish my undergrad degree 10 years after collapsing under the pressures of young, single motherhood and failing out...my fellow students were around my daughter's age when I finally had the emotional and economic resources to try again. But I wouldn't have it any other way...the depth of my commitment to my studies was built on a foundation of lived experience – the wisdom that comes from struggle, a clear and cohesive sense of my pedagogical/political goals and values, and an embodied understanding of what a privilege it was to be pursuing post-secondary education. I can't believe I'll be pursuing my Master's this fall... So hope this application season ultimately yields acceptances for all of you!!
It was a TREMENDOUS amount of work — I’m literally in awe of folks here who were able to submit applications to two, three, four schools and beyond! Not to mention, to do this more than one application season... Yeah, I was up until almost 5:00am the ‘night’ we found out...and still barely slept last night. The whole process just winds you up so tight that it takes time to reset. Haha re you not wanting to potentially ruffle my feathers by saying I was “obsessive”. Nope, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that . It’s served me well thus far in terms of final results, but it makes the process rather exhausting. From what I’ve heard about the workload at FIFSW (especially in the first semester), I’m going to have to temper this trait if I want to stay healthy. I’m BARELY on Facebook myself (and have never been on any other social media), so I totally get your choice. I have to be on for community-based work, though, and it’s lovely to keep in touch with real friends and family. Definitely make an account once you’re finished the semester — the group will be a great resource to have, I’m sure.
Congratulations!!! Fingers crossed for you for Laurier, but incredible that you have this excellent plan ‘B’! I’ve heard great things about the program and once you’re done, you’ll have so many 1-year programs to apply to, all with higher acceptance rates than 2-year programs — AND, no time lost. Yay!
SUPER helpful clarification, SwagMaster!! Thank you for sharing this!
Was just editing my post to reflect that I had reread that you were communicating via email, so that was likely all she said! It’s still so vague: when packages are being mailed out and whether all ACORN updates are in are two different things...I wish, for the sake of eveyone’s hearts, she would just say whether all results have been released as of now. Certainly, she knows that information, and it would allow the processing and planning for alternatives to begin. The lack of transparency isn’t necessary — especially at this point. Still holding out hope that all you lovely souls will hear positive news today!
Out of reactions (don’t know how that’s even possible!) but thank you for checking in with Angela, spears7 (and @Casper13 — you got my last heart of the day ). Did she speak with any clarity about whether all ACORN updates have been entered into the system at this point?
Fingers crossed for Laurier – is that your first choice or are you just keeping options open? We certainly WILL make excellent social workers! I've been so touched by the openness, warmth, and supportiveness displayed by everyone.
Happy birthday!! Glad to hear that you had cake to soothe your spirits at least (mmmmm, cake). As MSW2018applicant said, hopefully you get a beautiful belated bday present in the next couple of days – your GPA, research, and experience are absolutely incredible...they'd be lucky to have you.
That's exactly what I decided about applying in the end – I had made a carefully considered decision to go to U of T, so I just focused all my energy on pulling together the best application possible for that one school. Glad it worked out, indeed. I was thinking that I would finally get a good night's sleep, but now I'm wondering if the excitement will keep me up. Ah, well – certainly better that than the anxious fitfulness that has plagued me for the past few weeks. You're most welcome – glad my obsessiveness was helpful ☺️. Looking forward to meeting you in person in September – and I'm sure we'll be creating a Facebook group soon for us all to meet virtually before that!
Ah, no – tell me it wasn't your birthday today! If it was, I'm SO sorry you had to go through such a terribly stressful day ?. I really believe there will be more acceptances!! In past years, there have been multiple rounds. Big hugs ?.
Thank you, SW Sevante!!! I'm drinking that champagne that I dutifully saved last week...and maaaaaaan does it taste EXTRA GOOD. Years of selflessness, struggle, false starts, and blind alleys...I'm feeling a wild, messy confusion of emotion tonight. Now we just need you to get into Laurier!
Haha – glad you share my sense of humour, because you're going to be dealing with it for the next year...or two, depending on your stream ? (I'll be choosing Social Justice and Diversity – you?)! Thankfully, I was working from home, so I could let my many changing reactions out with no consequence. And there were many...and they're still ebbing, flowing, and evolving this many hours later. This was an incredibly emotional experience – so happy to have been able to share it with so many incredible applicants and future classmates and colleagues.
Congratulations, MSW2018applicant!! You must be so relieved to know that you've been accepted to the one school you applied to (I was in the same boat). Looking forward to being classmates!
Ack! Ran out of reactions (it was a reactive day, after all). Congratulations!!
You're very welcome! Absolutely don't lose hope – more acceptances are coming!
They set their 2-year admissions at a "steady state" of 145 in 2013, according to the 2014 Self-Study, http://socialwork.utoronto.ca/about-us/utqap-self-study-2014/. ☺️