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Everything posted by krd_BME

  1. I'm currently wait listed at two schools (BU and Mayo Clinic), should I follow up in anyway or just wait it out? It's for PhD in Biomedical Engineering.
  2. Wait listed at BU! If anyone else has been accepted to BU or Mayo Clinic, please let them know if you are not going.
  3. Literally I am at work and check my emails every 5 minutes, then check my spam....I think I started checking my emails in my sleep at this point....and weekends...but I hope we hear soon! It seems as if since last week I have seen both rejections and acceptances so it should be soon
  4. At least we're in it together LOL....no idea though...I am assuming that there has not been a decision made on our applications yet
  5. So for BU, a bunch of people have been rejected, accepted, and wait listed within the past few days, but I have heard nothing. Does that mean that my application has not been brought to a decision yet?
  6. Thank you, I honestly did not even think about the masters route. Even if I decide to apply to masters next year, I am still in the boat of "what is next?" in terms of a job for the year. A BME job that gives me relevant research experience is very hard to obtain. Understanding if it will help me or hinder me is the challenge, should it only be a research position? I will be applying all over the country in hopes of getting something, I have mainly been looking for r&d or tech positions. Masters is a good idea too, and from the looks of it I have some time to think about it! Thank you for the advice.
  7. Hey all! I am pretty sure that I will not be receiving acceptances. I know that it is my fault for only applying to a few schools, but hey I am broke(apps are expensive) and had an incredibly busy semester so applying to 10 schools was impossible. I was applying for Biomedical Engineering PhD programs. I had overly optimistic PI's and recommenders who believed I would get in to at least one of the 5 schools I applied to, but alas, nothing. Realistically, I did not plan well or apply to any safety schools, so I fully take responsibility for my rejections. Looking back at last semester I should have added at least 3 more schools to my list but it is too late now, so please in comments, refrain from saying things along the line's of " you only applied to top schools, of course you would get rejected" etc...I have already figured that much out LOL. No official rejections at these schools but UPenn and Tufts have already had their interviews, BU has sent some acceptances and rejections out, and I interviewed at Mayo Clinic but they have already sent out acceptances, so I am patiently awaiting a different type of email. The other school I applied to was a flat out rejection, but it was for a masters abroad with a scholarship so I had planned on that being a rejection. Overall I am not upset, just not sure what the next best steps are. Getting industry jobs in BME is not always the easiest, and what types of jobs should I be looking for. I fear that the farther away from undergrad I go, the farther away my recommenders are. I want to put myself in a situation where I will be a competitive candidate next year and will still be able to have strong recommendations after my gap year. Thanks and good luck to everyone else waiting for responses.
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