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  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Art History

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. It was cancelled, unfortunately. Skype interviews are being conducted today.
  2. Hey, I'm curious how you found out.. did you email?
  3. Thank you !! @venusofwillendork
  4. Thanks so much!
  5. Thanks for letting me know! Completely unrelated question, but does anyone know what “you have been recommended to the graduate school for admission to our program” mean? Does that mean I’m in or not yet?
  6. Just saw that. Congrats to whoever you are! Still waiting on Cornell ..
  7. Has anyone heard from Cornell or Brown?
  8. Hey @renforall, I am. Feel free to PM me ?
  9. Hi all, Thought I might start a new thread on this so we can broadly discuss our preferred research methodologies and approaches and why we often gravitate to X methodology for Y research. Do you gravitate towards traditional art historical methods or those used outside of our field?
  10. Omg don’t apologize for your accomplishments. Way to go!
  11. Congrats to the Northwestern admit! Who is your poi/ what is your area of interest?
  12. congratulations to the Berkeley admit(s)! @renforall same !! My poi only reached out after reviewing my app... but radio silence since.. ?
  13. Hey that was me. Got an invitation from the DGS for recruitment weekend (March 12-14) which includes interviews with faculty and dinner with current students. The deadline to accept is Feb 12 so my hunch is that they will send a second round of invitations if not enough people accept. I am not 100% sure though, this is just a guess. @coolperson54321 congrats on Yale!! @renforall same here was really hoping to get Yale .. ah well it’s not meant to be I guess!
  14. Thanks for sharing! Best of luck!
  15. Anyone want to claim the Yale interview? Poi?
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