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Everything posted by hardikpokhrel

  1. Hi all, Decision day is right around and wanted this forum's insight on making this decision. Both of the school has offered me equal scholarships ~30k per year, so in case of financial bit, both are equal (I know folks who got more than this). Even though Yale seems to have a loan from university for international students as well to cover the balance of the cost, so that is a plus. However for Energy specialization, program wise Duke seems better. Also, the internship support is better I hear (Stanback and others) but would need further verification on this. I want to primarily go into consulting so I would ideally like to look into Business specialisation as well - some of its electives seem to be interesting. Hence, Yale's flexibility seems to more fit for this compared to Nicholas. Certainly Yale name recognition is higher, since I am from Nepal - I know a lot of Yale FES graduates alumni here in high positions but didn't find any for Duke/Nicholas. I would love to hear what others think of this.
  2. Thanks for the info. How do I check that? Write an email for it.? I found out about this program on Feb 4/5th and the deadline was 15th. Late April is too late. I have an admit from Yale FES and Duke Nicholas and have to give them a decision by April 15th. So I guess this was a waste of time and money ?
  3. When did you apply for this. When I checked their website - the priority deadline was 15th Feb and had applied then. Haven't heard back from them on both application and funding - had applied for a MPA/MSES degree.
  4. Wow. 56k. That's huge. What's your reasoning behind choosing yale against Duke?
  5. Congrats to everyone. I got 28k from Yale and 30k from Duke. Feels like have to make a hard decision here for energy specialisation.
  6. I got just financial aid from Yale and its 28,000 per year with eligibility to Work study. Vs the potential chance to cover full. Tuition in Michigan. What would be better? Yale aid is super generous. Don't want to let it go but haven't heard positive things abt the specialisation there. Yet to hear from Duke
  7. Yes, would love to know the funding structure. I have an admit at UM SEAS as well (Sustainable System) along with Yale and Duke MEM. While I am waiting on the funding for both Yale and Duke - nothing from SEAS. Couple of faculty members did email me about my admit (along with the official Rackham and SEAS email) but nothing on funding. How does it work?
  8. Yes I heard abt Yale on Feb 21 as well, but nothing on funding. P.S I saw your posts on this thread on MEM last year (2018) - are you applying again/ deferred ? If yes, it would be nice if you could share why.
  9. Based on the stats shared, its something around 65k per annum (median). Anyone got any funding info?
  10. Thanks a ton for the insights. Even I was thinking 30k was a bit generous. Also according to post in this forum, most of the students end up getting a assistantship. What are you thoughts on this?? Also, What do you as a current student feel about the Yale Fes program as against Nicholas.
  11. I submitted on Dec 15 deadline (the priority one). The financial aid hasn't come in yet but wanted all of your thoughts on Duke Nicholas vs Yale FES vs Michigan SEAS in terms of strength of curriculum for energy or Sustainable System in case of SEAS ?
  12. N thank you so much. I'm sure they are just starting to send it n others and you will get it soon. I was expecting it in early March, so was surprised that they sent it early.
  13. Thank you so much for this detailed information. I also got into Yale. Can't believe I got in. Anyone else got an email??
  14. I sent in my SPEA Indiana application just couple of weeks back. They extended the Feb 1 priority deadline to Feb 15. Also, do you all think Duke Nicholas is worth it if one has to take a loan to study. What is the ROI like ? I read that average salary is 65k (?). Is that a good salary/bad salary if you have to live in a city in US. Also, heard Durham is very cheap as a city to live in. Is it true?
  15. Thank you so much for this info. According to website though the number is 80% instead of 88%. Anyways, the important figure is the average package of $30k which is substantial. My focus is Energy and what I have gathered from this forum is that Energy is best at Duke. (even better than Yale FES). What other colleges/program did you apply to and what is your top choice? I got admit from SEAS Michigan and Duke. Awaiting Yale FES and SPEA Indiana (MPA/MSES).
  16. Congratulations to all of us. I am from Nepal, and I checked that my two way tickets costs ~$1000 to NC and they only provide $500 as reimbursement. So I think I will pass. However, wanted to know thoughts from all of you. How is the financial aid like from Duke ?
  17. Hey I got into Nicholas as well, but no info on aid. They also said Mid-March for me. I had submitted on 15 Dec.
  18. Are you an international applicant? Also what are your and other views on value for money on this if I don't get any kind of fellowship/grant support? I opted for Sustainable Systems within the Masters program
  19. I also got into Michigan SEAS. But there was no mention of any financial or fellowship element. Was that a separate email?
  20. Its quiet out here. Anybody got any emails? or is it too early ?
  21. They had emailed me that they will get back to me with something by Mid-Feb. I thought that was a generic email. You didn't get one?
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