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Everything posted by PsychGal

  1. Have you heard from Notre Dame or UCSB?
  2. Have you heard anything?
  3. I didn’t see anyone post about UCSB? Anyone know anything or hear anything from UCSB clinical?
  4. Same! Not sure what to think?
  5. Wait I did not receive an email for rejection or invitation?? Should I email them? I assumed I would be rejected since I didn’t receive the mass invite email but I didn’t receive the rejection one either? I’m sure it’s coming lol
  6. Same! I saw that and assumed they sent out all the invites, just wanted to see if anyone on here received the general email?
  7. Has anyone heard from UGA?
  8. I had this happen with a form that I sent to my rec letter writers months in advance and they did not submit them on time and the admission told me that exact thing. Basically had a breakdown about it today, thinking my app may not be reviewed. Lots of tears but in the end just have to have faith it will all work out the way it is supposed to, even if you did all you could. Keep your head up!
  9. Anyone else freaking out that they could know about interviews anytime this week or next? Don't mind me just excessively checking my email...
  10. For all those wondering, the person said the email they got for the Skype interview from the University of Georgia was from their PI with the initials JM!
  11. If you go to results search and search "clinical psychology" it will show up! if you haven't discovered this part of grad cafe, its a dangerous place let me tell ya
  12. Yes me exactly lol and I did apply there!
  13. Has anyone else heard from the University of Georgia? If so would you mind sharing your POI? Just over here freaking out that mine has already contacted people and it must be a rejection. Yes I know that sounds irrational but here we are, anxiety at level 10! lol
  14. 15 for me too and I agree, you may just end up loving the community and location more than you think! I'm also applying to Nebraska-Lincoln, just have to be optimistic about getting into anywhere, regardless of how strange the place may seem!
  15. Do you mind sharing what school/program? Just want to know who is sending out invites! If not, I totally understand! Congrats!
  16. Submitted 2 apps today! 13 to go by Dec 1st. Good luck to everyone! ?
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