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Ashley_msw_ny's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. congrats! do you mind shoring your stats?
  2. Hey y'all! I'm applying for Spring 2020 to a whole bunch of MSW programs and all of them have different essay questions. Most of the programs have already given the questions online. I was wondering if I should start writing my personal statements right away (now) or wait until April-May. Also, the priority deadlines for all the schools are in early October. Does that mean I just submit my applications before that date or on it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Woah, that's incredible. I am applying to the 16 month accelerated program, but I have no idea if it's more competitive. You decided not to go, right? How come?
  4. Hi everyone, For those who have been accepted to Columbia and/or NYU's MSW programs, could you share your stats and how fast they have gotten back to you?
  5. How exactly do LOCs work? Every school I am applying to requires 2-3 LOCs and they can be submitted online. I am confused as to whether I have to ask my professors to write them for each school or just one will do?
  6. Thanks!! Really helpful suggestions! I'm actually thinking about starting them right now, but I'm worried it's a bit too early. What do you think? Do you have any idea on whether or not 16 month accelerated programs are more competitive to get into versus traditional two year programs?
  7. Hi everyone, I am planning on applying to MSW programs at Columbia, Hunter, NYU, UCLA, etc. for Spring 2020 which means I will have to submit my applications before the deadlines which are in early October. When do you all suggest I start working on my personal statements?
  8. does anyone know what stats are needed for NYU's MSW 16 month accelerated program?
  9. Congrats! What are your stats?!
  10. Hi all, I'm planning on applying to social work programs in a few months (NYU, Columbia, Fordham, Hunter, etc.) and my biggest concern is my statistics course grade. I am still taking the course and I already know I will not do too well. I am currently a sociology major so I am taking a sociology based statistics course. My overall GPA is a 3.49 and I am hoping it will go up after this semester to a 3.5-3.6 since I am doing very well in my other courses. I just want to know if statistics will hinder my acceptance? I have lots of experience working in preschools with special needs children, internships and a law firm where I worked with social workers, great letters of recommendations lined up and I am currently working on my personal statement. Thanks!!
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