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Posts posted by light1996

  1. 15 hours ago, _kb said:

    Yeah based on previous years it looks like most schools extend invites all the way through the middle of january, I think it's because there are obviously going to be conflicting interviews for some people so they can't attend. so if you didn't hear back, don't lose hope! you may be on a waitlist you don't know about, im in the same boat :) 


    16 hours ago, BabyScientist said:

    Most are sent out by the end of January. Some can sprinkle in as late as March.


    16 hours ago, BabyScientist said:

    Most are sent out by the end of January. Some can sprinkle in as late as March.

    Thank you, all of you! I did get an interview at one school but still the wait is sooo difficult haha...

  2. Okay thanks guys! When I got an interview for one, I never saw it say that it was under review first. But another one of my applications currently says "under review" so I was wondering if that means anything important because it used to just say "submitted." It's for UCSD and I've noticed them on the results page a lot.

  3. 12 hours ago, olddognewtricks said:

    Just over here quietly freaking out about you awesome peeps and your UCI interviews... (stares at phone, checks email). UCI is one of my top two choices (stares at phone and checks email again 'cos at least 3 seconds have passed)...

    Did you hear of anyone else getting UCI interviews because I haven't seen anyone else so far?

  4. 53 minutes ago, theschuster said:

    I did UCLA, UCI, UMass Med, BU, and USC. did anyone receive any interviews from these places yet? ?

    Hi! I also applied to UCLA and UCI Neuro. I haven't heard anything just yet but I do know a little bit about the UCI INP program since the lab I am currently in is part of the INP. Their recruitment period when they conduct interviews is mid-January and end of January. They probably won't send out emails for a little while. If any PI's do preliminary interviews, that's above my knowledge.

  5. 7 hours ago, veldter said:


    I'm being really ambitious and probably naive, applying to Stanford biosciences (neuro), MIT brain and cognitive sciences, Cornell neurosciences, Berkeley neuroscience, Upenn neuro, UCSF neuro, UofT medsci, and McGill neuro :) how about you @light1996?

    haha!! at least you're aware that you're being ambitious! that's really great though honestly. Shoot for the moon!! Also a lot of times these big name schools intimidate people so there's not as many people who apply. You have a shot!! I hope you get in wherever is best for you and your journey.

    I applied to 10 programs (wan't sure if I should apply to less or more so I just stuck to 10 lol). My PI said he applied to only 2 - Carnegie and somewhere else - but he said not to do that hahah. UCI (Psych), UCI (Neuro), UCLA (Neuro), UCSD (Psych), UCSD (Neuro), UCR (Psych), UCR (Neuro), Stanford Biosciences (Neuro), Berkeley (Psych), and UC Davis (Neuro). I was trying to stay in California.

  6. 5 hours ago, socneuro said:

    Hello! I applied to UCLA and Stanford's social neuro program! Also, I have almost the same gpa and gre scores so I think you're good with that! About the publications, from what I heard from most faculty members it's not a requirement or even expectation for admission. However, if you do have publications it looks really good and helps you stand out. I think faculty members will care WAY more about fit than how many publications you have, but I guess it really depends on the PI.

    Also from my understanding, PI interviews usually occur during the school interviews as part of the whole process. Some PI's do pre-interviews to help narrow down their selection of people for school interviews. Also, it depends on school funding - some schools may not be able to fly everyone out to the school so some schools may do only skype/phone interviews. It really depends on the school. I wouldn't worry if you don't hear directly from the PI before you get a notification from the school. Also, it's way too early in general to start worrying - I'd probably start worrying late January/early February. 

    Hope that helps!

    Okay awesome thanks! I sort of wish I had a publication but was never able to get there. My undergrad research experience is very much related to what I want to pursue during graduate study so I have lots of experience and skills that equip me for potential research projects I would undertake in graduate school. I continue to volunteer in the same laboratory as well (as a postgrad) and I've recently started a new project so I explained that in depth as well in my application. A lot of faculty I talked about in my applications are external fellows of the CNLM at UCI so they are familiar with the research we conduct in the NBB department.

    Sounds good, I'm going to prep a little for interviews but try not to freak out way too much. I might talk to my current PI a little more because he usually calms my nerves. I guess I can procrastinate the actual worrying till January hahaha..

  7. Hi Everyone!

    I've been following the thread for a while but decided to just make an account. Have any of you applied to neuro programs? I applied to both psych and neuro programs at UCI, UCLA, UCR, UC Davis, UCSD, Berkeley, and Stanford. I applied to 2 different programs at 3 of the schools so that makes 10 in total. I'm super nervous. I just graduated with a BA in psychology at UC Irvine and did research (and I am still doing research) in a neurobio lab. I have a 3.98 GPA and and got GRE scores in the lower 160s. I'm nervous about not having any publications but I hope my research experience makes up a little bit for that. I don't know what else to say. My essays were pretty good. I had my PI read them because he's read a lot for UCI's INP program and he said they were really impressive compared to what he's read. I hope I have a chance and I am anticipating potential interviews.

    I have a couple questions. I know schools interview potential candidates. What are the PI interviews then? Do they occur before the grad interviews? Should I be expecting that or should I worry if no one contacts me?

    Also, did anyone apply to UCR? Their deadline is Jan 5th but I submitted before the priority deadline because I wanted to get my name in there as early as I could. Do I have a better chance by doing that?


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