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Posts posted by SugarAndPsych

  1. Hi everyone! I’m currently in my first year of a PhD program and - since it’s THAT time of the semester - the impostor syndrome is kicking in. I know it’s a totally normal thing to experience, but I feel like everyone always offers the same advice for managing it (“Remember that you deserve to be here!” or “You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t qualified!” etc.). That advice is great and sometimes it helps, but I was admitted from the waitlist as my advisor’s second choice and my particular brand of impostor syndrome usually ends with me getting hung up on that. I know I’m more than capable of hacking my program and its expectations and I’m confident in myself and my abilities, but I find myself getting preoccupied with that whenever I’m having a rough week or having tough conversations with my advisor. It’s hard for me to NOT wonder if they wish they’d been able to get their first choice student instead. Any advice for how to manage that/get over being accepted off the waitlist?

  2. Hi, everyone! To people who’ve done preliminary interviews via video chat before (mine will NOT be with my POI if that matters): what do you recommend wearing? I’m not sure if I should wear a blazer and a blouse like I would for an in-person interview or something a little more relaxed like a cardigan and a nice blouse. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!!

  3. If either of the two people with invites from MSU happen to see this, would you mind messaging me your POI? I haven’t seen any invite posts on this thread about MSU, but there are two entries on the results page.

    Thanks and congratuIations!!

    Edit: Also, were invites extended by POIs or by the program itself for Michigan State? I’m trying to gauge what my chances might be at this point.

  4. 58 minutes ago, youngqueerliving said:

    School: University of Toledo

    Type: PhD

    Date of invite: 12/14/2018

    Type of invite: Email from Academic & Client Services Coordinator with POI and DCT cc'd

    Interview date(s): Feb 1 or Feb 4

    I literally cannot believe this is happening! Truly so grateful and so excited.

    Hi there! Would you be willing to PM me the name of the POI on this? I’m just hoping to get some sort of confirmation that my wait for Toledo is over. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, Silverrida said:

    My whole goal this application season was to land one interview. I'm stoked I did it.


    School: University of Toledo

    Type: Clinical PhD

    Date of invite: Dec. 14th

    Type of invite: Email from admissions coordinator; CC'd POI and DCT

    Interview date(s): Feb. 1 or Feb. 4. I'm going Feb. 1


    Edit: @Jamesmp, congrats on the invite to Kent! I applied to them as well. Evidently some people have received invites and rejections already; I'm still waiting to hear back from them but I'm not sweating it too much.

    Would you be willing to share initials for the POI on this?? I’m waiting to hear back from Toledo.

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