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    2019 Fall

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  1. May have been answered already, but when I interviewed for this program years ago it wasn't until May or June. Hope you don't have to wait that long, but because domestic student applications aren't due until very late, they generally interview late as well.
  2. Just got my rejection from NUIN program.
  3. I said something along the lines of, "I recognize this is a busy time for the neuroscience department, but I was wondering if at some point in the future I could receive some feedback on my application and perhaps some insight into what I can do to improve on it for next year."
  4. I'm in a similar boat. Your best bet is to reach out to some of your schools and find out why all the rejections. I emailed one school so far and they gave me a fairly solid breakdown on why I haven't had much success.
  5. Finally got the ax from U Penn?
  6. Wow I didn't even realize getting a letter from the school was a possibility. Yeah conversions to American GPA really mess with my undergraduate GPA a lot, make me look like this terrible student. I do believe more and more adcoms are aware of the differences between grades and countries now though so hopefully that won't ding us too much. I also completed my last degree in the US so I have fresh grades to use for their comparison. Being international has had a huge negative impact on all of my applications. I literally have checked every box for graduate school so I guess its just how it goes..
  7. I would love it if UPENN would get around to sending my rejection letter so I could move on from my unrealistic fantasies. Sorry though, I hope you hear good news elsewhere
  8. Hey. Just saw this, yes you are correct. I forgot about that one, it was definitely a major reach app so I had already forgotten about its requirements.
  9. Honestly, learning about other's success really doesn't make me sad. It's given me closure if anything Keep sharing your successes!
  10. I didn't apply to any schools that required the GRE which I think hurt my chances, need something to set myself apart I think. And yeah, I totally get what you are saying about applying to safety schools, but I also want to go to a school that's a good fit for me at the end of the day. If it's a safety school, I've already deemed it to not be what I want in my mind, so I think its just not the right choice. To be fair, I actually got into medical school this year but wanted to give neuroscience PhD a shot as I love research and have worked in research for the last 5 years. So, it's not like I'm stuck or anything. Just wish this would've worked out so I could really explore research as a lifelong career.
  11. The one upside to all this is its now safe for me to book some vacations for next month
  12. Perhaps I just don't really know what grad schools want in an applicant. I'm also an international student which has consistently hurt my chances in the past. I appreciate the encouraging words though. With a 2-5% acceptance rate, I probably should have just kept my money in my wallet haha
  13. Thanks for the words of encouragement, but if I'm being honest I think this will likely be my last time applying for further education. I've really done all I can do to improve my application at this point (aside from building a time travel device to fix the mistakes of my youth). If it's meant to (or not meant to) be then such is life.
  14. Been reading this thread and freaking out so decided to create an account. I applied to 6, been officially rejected from 2 and I think silently rejected from 3 more. Been a tough month. Sounds like everyone else is doing quite well with their apps though so congrats to those of you getting interviews
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