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Everything posted by Ihatethis

  1. Glad you're receptive! And your fiance sounds very wise!
  2. Although applicants are mainly women, there are many men still making the decisions, especially in the upper echelons. And even those who suffer the effect of implicit biases can have implicit biases themselves. You have too much faith in the psych world-- we are still susceptible to our implicit bias, just as anyone else in any other profession. Sometimes even more so, since we think have a handle on it, which may be the situation in your case. Hopefully we all can learn from this situation! But yeah, never spend too much $$$$$ on interview clothes, totally not worth it in the long run.
  3. Hey! I agree with you, however it's important to understand that many women feel judged by their appearance more than men, especially in a professional setting, and it is normal for many women to have anxieties around this! There has also been research in the past suggesting these concerns may be at least partially valid. This is also especially true for those of us with not a ton of experience in this area due to life circumstance. It would be great to be a little more considerate of where people are coming from when giving advice instead of being too brisk. This is especially important for someone in the clinical field. Your experience is very helpful though!
  4. Pro-tip for everyone who grew up going to Savers like me and knows nothing about fancy clothing: you can make a free appointment with a personal stylist at Nordstrom, and they will take into account your price limit. Nordstrom will also do free alterations as well.
  5. Or, if you haven't been accepted in the past, what did you do the years after? Get more experience? Try out a new field? Stay at your current job and bide your time? Apply again next year? Never apply again? I'm unsure what I'll do, but it's very appealing imagining working in a different (or a related, but different) field for a bit, just for the mind re-set. Curious about everyone else!
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