@jfb731 ok awesome! 2/25 was my first choice and 2/11 was my second! I need that confirmation email asap so I can send it to my profs here at MSU to let them know I will not be in class that day ?
@MandyN good luck to you with Cincinnati and your other schools! I am super nervous but definitely let me know what you hear from Cincinnati! It would be nice to "know" someone if we get interviews!
@MandyN oh shoot, that sucks... I had no idea. I went to their open house in November and absolutely loved it there so I'm really hoping I get an interview
Yeah, I'll honestly be shocked if I get an interview from Wisconsin. Cincinnati and Wisconsin should be sending out invites this week at some point so I'll just be obsessively checking my email starting tomorrow! ?
Thank you @LauraT! One of my friends who also applied to IUPUI hasn't heard from them yet either so hopefully they send out more invites on Monday for you both! I wasn't expecting to hear anything from anyone until February so that first rejection from UNCG was hard. Hoping I should hear from the rest by next week. I saw that OSU and USC have already sent out invites so now I'm anxious about those two and I feel like Wisconsin is a long shot, just from what I've heard from other people and from their open house. Fingers crossed for us all!!
I got a rejection yesterday morning from UNCG and heard about an interview at IUPUI today. Anyone know when I should hear about OSU, Cincinnati, Wisconsin, Wayne State, or South Carolina??
I also got a rejection from UNCG yesterday morning, but got an interview at IUPUI today! I applied to Cincinnati as well, along with Wayne State, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Ohio State. I'm super anxious now about emails!