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Posts posted by GenreTrouble

  1. 11 minutes ago, artvandaley said:

    Thanks a lot! Will still try to be hopeful, my interests are in studying unorganized urban economies.

    On a side note, this knowledge really hit me hard, I was imagining my PoI reading through and rejecting my application.. led me to her twitter page and then I "followed" her out of genuine curiosity. In two minutes, she follows me back. I shit-post a lot on twitter, so now i am wondering if she would read them and did i just f**k up my application unnecessarily. 


    "is there no way out of the mind?"

    I also did this - followed two POIs when I was working on applications, and they both followed me back, which I was not expecting. Instant regret.

  2. 12 hours ago, DuBois said:

    OMG I feel tensed, I am waiting for Chicago and they didn't interview me , things don't look good then.

    I was told they finished interviewing everyone they would be interviewing on Jan 28. I'm very nervous too! I didn't realize there would be two interviews and the second one really caught me off-guard, I don't think I did well. I was given very little notice for that interview, and it was with someone totally unrelated to my area of interest! They should release results this week for sure - I was told it would be last week, but I guess they are late!

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