UCI is incredibly diverse. Around half of the undergraduate population is Asian, including many Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian . . . I mean, 60% of the world population is Asian. So maybe you have a skewed perception of what is diverse. Three-fourths of the undergrad population at UCI speak a language other than English at home, which speaks to its cultural and economic diversity.
What graduate housing are you talking about? If you're at Verano Place or Palo Verde, Albertson's is right across the street and Trader Joe's is a block over. I haven't had a car for a year and I have no shortages of events, readings, screenings and parties to go to.
Anyway, I'm mostly reacting to the denigration of Irvine as a sterile and soulless place. You admit that it has its own culture; you're saying you don't appreciate it. How is it fair to demean Irvine's culture in a way that would be impossible if one were talking about New Orleans, per se?