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  1. Best of luck! I hope I haven't been misread, success at ITP is definitely within your grasp if you're not a proficient coder going in at the cost of some hard work. From what I've been told — one positive is that its not a cut throat environment, its pretty collaborative. A key to success is to make a lot of friends!
  2. Yes it will be in brooklyn near Jay Street. Its still a Tisch education but inside Tandon's building. One thing I know is that your commute is probably easier (assuming nobody has the money to live in manhattan because its very expensive). Its supposed to be a bigger space so thats probably a plus? I love greenwich village though so losing out on that environment is probably a big shame
  3. Ok, research + conversations with a lot of itp friends alums, i will repeat what they have said for the benefit of everyone here short story: can you code? yes - go to itp. no - can still go to itp but may struggle compared to people who can code. keep in mind youre also competing for internships etc with these people. if u can't code and want to focus more on design then something like pratt/SVA is probably a place where you start on an equal footing Don't be discouraged if u can't code, but know that u will have to work very hard (and much harder than people who are coming from software/ee backgrounds) in order to produce something meaningful. Faculty is kind and will do a lot to meet you where you are but at the end of the day you are on your own because so many other people are also looking for help. its no secret that ITP is not competitive, its acceptance rate is 65%ish so an acceptance doesn't mean you will be successful there, but it does indicate that someone thinks that you have the potential (and the money) to succeed there. Ok, what are the outcomes of an ITP education: Broad spectrum but a wide majority of folks (50-65%) end up in UI/UX roles. Fewer people (15%) who are more technically adept end up at a company like R/GA. {Google and other tech companies are a popular destination for some of the top of the class. And a few will also become the promising new artists of the field} (10%ish) the question you should ask yourself is the cliche where do u want to see yourself in 5 years Resources you should look into before making a decision: Spring 2019 catalog (i dont why they haven't uploaded this properly) Chats with faculty (Faculty won't directly tell you if you're not a good fit but watch these carefully for red flags) Spring shows ( also look into thesis presentations, ask yourself if this is the kind of work you want to do. Does it spark joy?) Things to consider about your financial situation before making a decision: Are you rich? yes: Go to ITP, what do you have to lose. enjoy. (hate u) no: Do you mind going into an experimental field with some financial uncertainty? yes: think long and hard about your financial situation before taking this leap. There are similar schools that offer the education you want for less $ no: Go to ITP You can make a good amount of money after your ITP education if you learn how to code (and code well) $120K+, so if you're poor (like me) but don't mind making a bet on your future then you should 100% consider ITP. It gets a healthy amount of recruiters from top companies from what i hear
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