@LordQuas Nice to meet you! You said creative writing, which is awesome, so are you planning on going MFA route? Or are you looking at PhD long term? I have a few peers who are wanting to do a creative writing track but aren't sure if MFA or PhD is the right direction for them.
@Indecisive Poet How has your MA been treating you? I'm wrapping up year one with an anticipated May 2019 graduation date. My MA is technically in Liberal Arts, but my concentration is in English Literature (I will have 18+ hours in English when I finish). As for programs, I've been zeroing in on a few that I really like, but I'm keeping my options open. Ideally, I'd like to apply to somewhere in the 8-10ish range, but app fees carry a pretty hefty price tag. I'm trying to be proactive in regards to application materials, but I feel like as much as I'm trying to put time in, I'm not getting a lot of results out. I'm sure it's just a process of getting started, but man is it stressful already. As for your process, are you looking at programs in a specific part of the country? What are your "make or break" qualities for the programs you're looking at?