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Yiran Jia

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Everything posted by Yiran Jia

  1. 1. GRE: I got 154V, 165Q, and probably 3.5W 2. I finished enough upper division math classes to graduate and my overall GPA is 3.92. Here's a close list of the classes: Math: Topology (4.0); Linear Optimization (4.0); Linear Analysis (3.8); Matrix Algebra with Applications (3.4); Numerical Analysis I (4.0); Foundations of Modern Math (4.0); Discrete Mathematical Modeling (3.7); Calculus I (3.8); Calculus III (3.6); Multivariable Calculus (4.0); Introduction to Differential Equations (4.0); Abstract Algebra I (4.0); Real Analysis I (4.0) 3. I also have done a math research that got accepted to a conference and hopefully will be accepted for a journal later this year or in 2021. I also attend a summer fellowship and make some presentations in the conferences hold by UC schools. We tried to submit it to some conference, but recently got reject, and actively trying more. In both research, I use Python, and work in Linux system. I know both Tensorflow and Pytorch fluently. 4. I have worked as a data analyst for one year in a marketing department and during the work I use R intensively and Python. 5. The programs I want to apply are Statistics. Overall Question: I mainly concerned about my GRE sore, 165 is not a strong Quantitative, and 154V only surpass 64% of the participants. Is it worth for my to give another shot or applying the schools with what I have? If apply the school, may I ask what level of Statistics programs will be suitable for my background? Thank you in advance for your advice!
  2. Hello:) My name is Yiran, and I'm going to apply for some graduate programs this year Dec-Jan. I'm not sure if the programs I've chosen best fit my academic background (if they are too good to me?). I graduated with B.S. Economics (GPA 3.56) and B.A. Communication (GPA (3.57) from the University of Washington Seattle in 2018. Then I worked as a full-time data analyst at Philips Healthcare and part-time student at the University of Washington Bothell for one year. Now I'm a UW Bothell student pursuing a B.S Math degree, and will finish in Spring 2020. My current average Math GPA is 3.73. Here's the list of math class I've taken so far (I got AP credit for Calculus II): I want to apply for Fall 2020 graduate programs /Ph.D., and here's my list of 18 programs: Any advice is deeply appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help! Thank you! Yiran
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