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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    19C American Literature
  • Program
    English Literature

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takethiswaltz's Achievements

Double Shot

Double Shot (5/10)



  1. It's official. I will be joining the wonderful Woolferine at the University of Pennsylvania this year. Absolutely no regrets!
  2. Congrats, GuateAmfeminist, and go kick butt at UT-A! I'm always heartened to see a fellow Latina in the discipline.
  3. sweet tea
  4. con artist
  5. paper heart
  6. Just declined an offer from Davis. This one hurt a lot more than the rest. Good luck to those on the waitlist for this wonderful program...
  7. Hi Ivandub, I'm still working on narrowing down my options... but I'm hoping to announce my final decision by the end of March. *fingers crossed*
  8. Just declined... Good luck to those waiting!
  9. Just declined an offer to USC's English Lit. program. Good luck to anyone on anyone on the waitlist (if there's a such thing)!
  10. California sunshine, I will miss thee!! Unless...

  11. Visiting one amazing program after another. This is going to be hella tough...

    1. snes



  12. Visiting one amazing program after another. This is going to be hella tough...

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