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Everything posted by convex

  1. It's really kind of a shame, because on face it seems that CGU has a shot at building some really great departments. They should be able to retain some good faculty--it's a job that comes with a beautiful location and no undergraduate teaching obligations.
  2. I think a lot of people have no idea that, at a decent program, everyone is funded.
  3. From what I understand, they pretty much don't give anybody funding.
  4. Congrats to the other OSU person as well.
  5. I must say, this is a pretty weak first week of February so far.
  6. Dear admission committees, Please open R, run the following code, and act accordingly. Thank you. ############################################################ days <- seq(1, 40, 1) se.fn <- function(x){ 1/x } plot(days, se.fn(days), main="My Self-Esteem as a Function of How Long I Go with No Acceptances", ylab="Self Esteem", xlab="Time (Days)", type="l") abline(h=0.1, col="red", lty=2) text(20, 0.12, col="red", "Danger Zone") ############################################################
  7. What do you mean by the above statement? Thanks.
  8. Do they have the internet in Wisconsin yet?
  9. I expected someone to hear something from UCLA today, given the news from our UCLA informant.
  10. Ah, yes. Maybe admission committees have been persuaded by the November APSR strategy.
  11. Emory sent out a first wave of admits. I think the consensus is that they are most likely not done. I believe Emory interviews people for the next wave of admits, and I have not heard about anyone being offered interviews yet.
  12. Sure, but if we're being honest, we all want OTHER people to hear from UCLA right now, so that we know that we are not in that first round. Edit: Of course I don't mean any of you. You know, those OTHER people!
  13. To clarify, are you saying that you just got an email saying your decision was online and then couldn't see what it was? Or they told you the decision, but you just couldn't see it on the site at that time? Either way, I think we'll know what the decision is if we hear back before anyone else.
  14. The UNC result says it was via postal service, so some of us may have to wait a while.
  15. Your Hessian is not invertible. You may cry now.
  16. Looks like if we were all sociologists we'd know about a lot more schools. The downside? We'd be sociologists...
  17. It's still pretty early here on the West Coast.
  18. The first Tuesday of February was when the big wave of UCLA rejections came last year. Just sayin'...
  19. I wasn't questioning the reliability of your sources so much as wondering aloud how you developed such a network of operatives.
  20. Why does this AllFiredUp person have all kinds of spies everywhere? He seems to always have inside information. Edit: He or she. Sorry for the generic masculine.
  21. It's cool. I would rather have not heard from any schools yet.
  22. Here is how I'm getting by: http://flashgamesite.com/play1085game.html
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