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Everything posted by forensicpsyc

  1. Subsequently receives 10 DM's from applicants asking where they study
  2. Yeah, I've never gotten so bah humbug at a happy holidays wish before. I'm assuming every concentration is different as well, with the interview close to a month away I'm expecting something soon!
  3. Anyone heard from University of Alabama Psychology & Law concentration? Waiting to see some results from them and North Texas to no avail.
  4. I've already received two official rejection emails, and my prospects at my other schools aren't looking incredibly promising. One I received today from a school who's POI I feel I have a pretty good rapport with. I asked for constructive criticism and was very emphatic that I will be reapplying next cycle. I've gotten over the initial heartbreak of this cycle (it still stings though), and have started mapping out a plan of action to make myself more appealing and competitive for next year. So basic resiliency type interventions really. Good luck with the rest of your programs! This really is a brutal process, but from what everyone has said perseverance is key!
  5. Trying to decide if I still need to check my phone and forums over the weekend. Wondering if there are expected hours interview invites are extended.
  6. Haven't seen much about time of day to expect invitations, I had assumed during normal work day hours.
  7. Probably just had to wait for all the day of deadline people like me! Letters of recommendation weren't due until the 1st, I don't think they are in a rush.
  8. Bama has their interviews on January 24th for the psyc/law concentration this year according to their website. I just received an email yesterday from them that the graduate school had forwarded my application to the department, which was surprising considering their earlier deadline. My guess is they wait until finals are over with and everyone can focus. No idea about SHSU.
  9. Southern Mississippi Counseling Psyc
  10. First I heard was a rejection email a couple of days ago, not the best note to start on. I've gotten past my generalizing that everyone else is going to reject me and now just seeing what happens.
  11. Very interested in the POI's for all the Texas Tech Counseling Psychology invites if anyone is willing to share!
  12. Really interested in the Texas Tech Counseling Psychology POI's if possible, thanks so much!
  13. I had the opposite, had a dream I didn't get a single interview and had to tell my fiancee that we were not going to get to move anywhere.
  14. Just a heads up, due to recommendation portal issues a recommender never received an email to upload a recommendation. I had cancelled the recommendation and added an alternate email address which worked and that person uploaded their letter last Wednesday. Got an email today that my application was incomplete due to this cancelled recommendation still not being completed. Called program coordinator to correct the issue and after some difficulty understanding, she realized what I was saying and remedied the problem. It was University of Southern Miss counseling psychology. Also, same recommender had issue at Texas Tech counseling psychology upload. Called the graduate school and hers was uploaded, but another recommender's file had an error message when trying to open. That recommender is emailing directly tonight. Texas Tech was the only program I could not see the status of the recommendation letters. So make sure if you can not see the recommendation letter status that they are in fact viewable and submitted, and if you have cancelled a recommendation be sure that it is not marking your application as incomplete. Good luck to all!
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