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Everything posted by Javi9

  1. Lets get this going!
  2. This is well said Freedom17. As a DACAmented individual, this acceptance was literally survival for me. Now that I know where it is going to go, I can focus on a plan B and use this energy to good use. We must transcend these institutions with our actions.
  3. So.. do we know you definitely need an interview for acceptance? Do people bypass it? Just curious
  4. Nothing so far today!
  5. Very helpful! Thank you for this post.
  6. crickets over here!
  7. We survive to live another day! Best of luck tomorrow
  8. Good luck everyone! Remember any info is helpful in this thread!!! @Shaun06 @MaiaA @ImJuju @MelanieRose @Jodee @Freedom93
  9. This is going to be a long week! Best of luck to everyone who applied. No matter what happens, I hope you continue making change in the education space.
  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr. Thanks for the follow @Jodee looks like you are doing well in the west coast.
  11. T-minus 2 weeks
  12. Yea im curious what people wrote in the 500 word essay on this. @seejodee @Freedom93
  13. Using this template from the other thread. Program: Ed L.D GRE score: V below average Q below average AW: 6 ( proud not not too proud) TOEFL score: N/A Work experience: 3 years working in non profit, 1 year as ELL adult education teacher, 2 years working at Community College in Fundraising/Advancement and Development team. Undergrad information: Community College AA , State College BA,( both in Rhode Island ) Brown University MA ( did some major work at Brown) Undergrad GPA: Undergrad 3.3 Grad 4.0 LORs: 2 from professors at Brown, 1 from a professor/director of a leadership fellowship that I was a part of at Trinity University. What other schools are you applying to: Harvard or bust. Twitter handle- @javijuarez
  14. Should we share our stats here? I guess it would be something to pass the time..
  15. Best luck to you all, were any of you at any of the open houses in 2019?
  16. Weird. Same thing happened to me. Could be just someone doing some research? and thank you Seejodee for the info.
  17. Happy Wednesday! I wonder if any of you are also waiting for a notice from Harvard about whether you'll get a chance to interview for the Fall 2020 Ed.L.D. cohort! And if anyone has intel about when invitations are likely to come out, I would love to hear it! Thanks and good luck!
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