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  • Location
    Southern california
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall

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  1. Congratulations! We made it!
  2. I received an email that I was accepted so that's good news. They got back much faster than I expected. I thought I wouldn't know until mid march.
  3. Thanks! I think mine went very well. I think I answered clearly and used solid examples from my experience to support my answers. I was much less nervous than I thought I would be. Hope I make it in!
  4. February 17th I believe
  5. I am doing my interview on monday February 17th. It said acceptance letters will be mailed by April 1st in the email
  6. Also just got an invitation for CSUN MFT interview today
  7. I did as well! Congratulations
  8. I hope you are right! Thank you for the feedback. The two programs are masters programs and yes I do want to eventually be an LMFT. I don't necessarily want to go to a PhD or PsyD program but that could change in the future. Yea...I probably should be looking to see if there are deadlines for other masters programs.
  9. My anxiety regarding waiting on interview invites are acting up a bit lately. I think I might not have a good chance of getting in but I also don't have much perspective on this. I need someone to knock some brutal perspective into my head. I'm male and almost 27. I applied to only two MFT programs, Cal Lutheran and CSUN. I have had a year of experience working full time as a lead clinician assistant at a couple different mental health based residential programs. I have done countless intakes, dealt with insurance companies, communicated with several LMFTs regarding client progress and observations, faxed in med orders to pharmacies, have experience holding boundaries with clients, and navigating emotional events or situations where clients might self harm. I love working in this field. I'm not going to lie, my GPA at UCSB was pretty average being a 3.34. I earned BA in psychology there and did fantastically in all psych classes with A's and A+'s across the board, was almost always the very top of the class. However, I got C's in a multiple gen ed classes and didn't pass a couple which brought my GPA down significantly. I honestly sometimes forgot I was enrolled in a class because I was too focused on psych stuff or just goofing around on the beach with friends...I struggle with ADHD but this is an advantage too, I swear. I was also younger and less mature then compared to now. I didn't tell them this though! I don't have much research experience...just did a couple randomized experiments with volunteers from the school in undergrad as part of classes. I remember finding significance in one, I think I used 4 groups in that one...with people being assigned to a different combo of 2 variables, stressful task vs easy task and being told they ranked in the highest percentage vs ranked very low on the task. I think I was trying to see a possible causal relationship for stress in UCSB college students leading to reports on the amount of alcohol students planned to drink that weekend. I don't know what those kinds of studies are called anymore, if it was even a true experiment, or if that's what I even tested for and this represents my experience with research. It was several years back. My personal statement seemed passable in my eyes but nothing spectacular. I had 2 great recommendations that were personalized to emphasize my qualities (both positive things and maybe some minor quirks I have) from a Clinical director/LMFT and another LMFT, both of whom I worked with for several months. I think I made a typo in my resume for CSUN...maybe started a couple words of a sentence and forgot to delete it in my purpose section. That's a huge oops and I swear I proofread it a few times before sending but little things like this are things I have screwed up on in the past as well. Kiss of death? I also meant to get both resume and statement proofread by a couple others but before I knew it, it was the last day available to submit. So yea, not good stuff. I don't think I have much experience working directly with minority groups, just with several individuals and I think I'm a minority myself? I am not even sure on that one...like I was born here but my mom wasn't but my dad was? Doesn't matter really, point is that I have extensive experience interacting with my family who mostly all live in another country. So yea a lot of this probably wasn't relevant and maybe I'm not the greatest student but knowing these few things about me, what do you all think?
  10. Sounds like you have a great chance of getting in with your degree and experience. I am pretty young and only have 1 year of experience working in mental health along with a psych BA.
  11. I applied for the CSUN mft program. I haven't heard anything back yet. I am expecting that the interview invites will be sent by late january or early february. I'm pretty nervous
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