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Everything posted by MonsieurHonoré

  1. @Robert_Kerans Lol I felt the exact same way about my Brown interview because I was nervous, except the professors that I spoke with were WONDERFUL ... such kind and upbeat people! I ended up “having a good time” haha, but not sure how I did compared to other candidates - I guess we’ll see. As for Yale, two people posted in the results box about interview notifications yesterday, and @Coleslaw gave us some insight on the interview process from their end (thanks again!). A few days ago, I found out that the professor I potentially wanted to work with is retiring or plans to soon, so that’s a bummer, but oh well.
  2. @Marcin To answer this last part, I think that the stipends offered by most schools reflect the cost of living in the area. You’ll know when the amount is too low. When I sent out applications two years ago, one school offered me somewhere around 10K per year, no guarantee of summer funding, and the cost of rent was too high to live on that alone in that area. A good way to gauge cost of living in different areas is to check apartment websites such as apartments.com and zillow.com to see what types of places you’d be willing to live in and how much it would cost there, and if utilities are included or not. The biggest chunk of your paycheck is going to go to rent, so that’s where I’d look first. As for food, find a local Aldi’s and you really won’t have to worry about that. I honestly feel comfortable living on my current stipend, and there are usually extra opportunities at universities for you to get more funding.
  3. @Coleslaw Thanks so much for letting me know! I’m honestly so grateful in terms of planning to at least hear something! I didn’t get an email or anything, but it’s not over until it’s over ?? Congrats on the interview though!!! @Marcin I think it definitely depends on the individual, but I honestly don’t mind. Other periods of literature have taught me to think in different and creative ways about my own area of specialisation, and if it’s free education that I’m getting paid for, bring it on! Haha - But it honestly depends on the person involved. If you’re not willing to or hesitant, then that’s okay too!
  4. @Robert_Kerans Omg I just got my acceptance this morning! Absolutely elated!!
  5. @Robert_Kerans Thanks so much for this info! It’s honestly nice that they don’t do interviews though - they’re so nerve wracking
  6. @Robert_Kerans Congrats!!! Interesting how they do their selection process
  7. Also, to those of you who applied to Yale and didn't hear back yet (thanks for the info you gave already), do you have any idea when the mandatory visiting days are for 2020 ? They haven't updated the website yet from last year. In the off-chance (the very unlikely chance haha) that I were to receive an on-campus invite, I'm trying to plan my MA exam around those days, and the other on-campus invite that I've received.
  8. @sgb Of course!! There’s nothing worse than fighting for funding, and I think that the thing we all forget in this process (I’m a huge offender) is that we are investing our time and potential in these schools as much as they are investing in us.
  9. Thank @sgb I’m really sorry to hear. They have a nice program, but they are indeed seemingly stingy with funding. One of their previous application requirements was to write a 1-3 page essay on how you would survive if they wouldn’t give you funding. You’re better off imo. Best of luck and you’ll have some wonderful picks!
  10. @Robert_Kerans Thanks for the info! When you say you “have,” do you mean you heard back from them with an interview/decision or something or that you applied? If you don’t mind me asking
  11. Also, has anyone applied to Cornell in this thread or heard anything from them? I remember I think one or two people mentioning it, but my memory is slipping. And does anyone know if they do on-campus interviews or Skype/Zoom?
  12. Has anyone heard anythinggg from Yale? Waiting is killing me on that one!
  13. @Milyd Aww I'm really sorry to hear - you're going to have some awesome picks regardless! but thank you for your encouragement. Not sure what will happen.
  14. @Soleil ت Merci infiniment et bien à vous !!! Congrats on everyone's interviews! I have one myself tomorrow ... Yikes! A few people put acceptances to Berkeley in the results - congrats to those who applied and were accepted there!! Also, someone put in the results that they received a rejection from UVA. Any insight on how they send out their decisions? I know that they usually have a weekend or something where they invite applicants to Charlottesville. Has anyone received news on that? Just curious on where that might possibly leave me in the app pool, even though there's literally no way to tell lol.
  15. @LOiseauRouge Congrats and thanks for the info and the words of encouragement! I'm a huge fan of Dr. Usher's work
  16. @Volodine1 It seems so, and I was sad when I saw that, but in reality, it's probably not the best fit for me now that I think about it. My research interests were only tangentially related to those of the scholar who works there. At the end of the day, I think your education is what you make of it no matter where you end up. But if that's really the case with the interviews, I'm sorry about that, as I remember you saying something about wanting to go there - I'm sure you'll get some awesome picks regardless!
  17. @xinyu_uynix LOLLL ? ... I was about to add a "how you countin?" post for the person who said that there have only been 2 people invited to Princeton, yet there are like at least 4 people now.
  18. @Robert_Kerans Dear god I know ... I hate this waiting game more than the high app fees lol. I just wanna know at minimum if I need to renew my lease for the next year ... Ughhh
  19. @Volodine1 Best of luck!!! I have a feeling more news will either be posted online or one of us on this thread may hear from a school tomorrow since it's after MLK day and they've had a chance to reflect. Super nervous for the coming two weeks!
  20. @Marcin There is another thread that I started for French PhD applicants under "Waiting it out" in case you haven't seen it already
  21. Looks like someone heard from Princeton on Saturday - not sure if they send interview invites out in waves, some do, but congrats if that was any of you!
  22. @Milyd Best of luck!! Tulane has a great funding package, and the DGS was extremely nice and personable a year and a half ago (I think it's still the same prof).
  23. @Robert_Kerans My GRE scores were all fairly average, verbal being the highest, with the quantitative being the worst (they don't look at the math really though, at least that's what I've been told during my first and now second time doing this). I'm hoping that the conferences and research/teaching experience that I've done makes up for it. I asked one of my profs here, and he said in all honesty, don't worry about it too much - and while it does depend, many of the programs just have that on the requirements list because it is a school-wide requirement, and many, including NYU, Brown, UVA, Princeton have dropped it (depending on the program - I applied to literature for NYU). I HATE standardised testing personally, I don't believe in it, and I find it an unrealistic representation of a person. If you're an international student, I might even worry about it less.
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