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Everything posted by energeia11235

  1. (I'm going to treat this thread as a coronavirus-in-relation-to-apps thread, if that's all right.) Is anyone thinking about waiting another year (either re-applying next year or trying to defer acceptance for a year) specifically because of the coronavirus situation? It seems as if virtual school will be the name of the game for the rest of the year...and I could see that negatively impacting the grad school experience. I'm just wondering if anyone has been having thoughts about any of this. (Hope everyone's doing okay!)
  2. Same—congrats.
  3. In at UNC—got a call yesterday. Visit weekend is March 22-24. Email with funding details, visit weekend details, etc. to follow (next week, if I recall correctly). That's all the info I have. (Someone on the results list wanted to know AOIs of those admitted to UNC—PM me if you're interested.)
  4. The 'Grad 20' disappeared from my app as well. Man, that sounds rough (I, at least, would have a hard time not getting my hopes up upon receiving such a note)—best of luck in all your apps (hope it ends up working out at Berkeley!).
  5. Here's the link (note that there are different tabs to toggle between different pages—the link I'm attaching here should land you on the "predictions" page): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yb_yciijFGEp5roVKYJ40U4eiREo3ZQTeSQkEjGMSsg/edit#gid=339976266 I just noticed that you're into political theory (whereas this link is for a philosophy PhD predictions page)—just fyi. (I'm not sure if political theory has an analogous spreadsheet.)
  6. The spreadsheet (I'm fairly certain) contains someone's estimates based on the past few years' decision release dates (I assume it's an averaging of the dates—perhaps a weighted one, favoring recent years). I've seen consecutive years where a school releases decisions weeks apart (one year 2/5, say, and then the next 2/27), so there is potential for extreme wiggle room. On the whole, though, the estimates seem to be at least somewhat accurate so far.
  7. I hope this does not come as a shock, but: you seem to have found yourself stranded amongst philosophers. (Potential outcomes: (1) Full-blown conversion (once you get a taste for the good (philosophical) stuff, there's no going back), (2) Mental disintegration (as a pure math person, you'll probably avoid this less-than-savoury option, having already passed the thinking-abstractly test), (3) Rebellion (how great would a movie about a group of mathematicians trying to overthrow a philosopher-king-run society be?).) You're (more than) welcome to stick around (there's some delicious Kool Aid coming around later...) but you probably won't get any answers to your questions here (no answers to either math-PhD related questions or really any other ones—we are philosophers after all...). Jokes aside, best of luck in your graduate application season! (See here for the math and stats forum: https://forum.thegradcafe.com/forum/48-mathematics-and-statistics/)
  8. I'm not one of the people accepted, but according to the grad cafe results page (see here: https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=Philosophy&t=a&o=&pp=25) the two recorded U. of Cincinnati acceptances were sent out via e-mail.
  9. The fact that your app "reads more like an application for a PhD" suggests that it's impressive—so impressive that (it seems to me like they're implying that) there's a high likelihood that they would accept you to their PhD program if you wrote back that you would like to submit it as a PhD app. (The "we will be happy to admit you for that" sounds like they almost certainly will accept you to the MA program.) Also, there seems (to me at least—maybe I'm not thinking of a factor here) to be no downside whatsoever to taking them up on the offer to submit it as a PhD app. You'll get funding; you can leave after just getting your MA qualifications if you're pretty sure you don't want to stay on for a PhD; you have the opportunity to stay on for the PhD if you end up wanting to do that (do you know now that you don't want to get a PhD?); even if they don't accept you for the PhD, it sounds like you've got the MA pretty much in the bag. Anyway, the main point is that they will give you money that you wouldn't get as a MA student if you got in to the PhD program. Of course, this is just my impression (given the information you've given). But, if I were you, I would be excited—very excited. That's pretty awesome that you got the admissions committee to be so enthusiastic about your potential.
  10. Congrats! I noticed that your AOI/"program" (not sure exactly what that means) is philosophy of biology—I think I've heard that Duke's one of the best in that area, so that's v. exciting.
  11. Thanks for the info—another possibility (just to add to the list): they're the ones being nominated for university-wide fellowships (I assume the departments have to figure out that sort of thing by a certain date whereas they have more leeway otherwise).
  12. True—we have no clue whatsoever (ah, the uncertainty!). I'd also be curious to know what percentage of applicants tend to post their results... Thanks for the well-wishes (and the concrete example of a decision process that's not just all-at-once). Hope your first year is going well!
  13. I hope you're right that there's still a chance, but I kinda doubt that they would send out acceptances if they hadn't figured out exactly who they were accepting (so as to ensure a balanced set of subfields, for example). Also, they probably only accepted 5-10 people. Hearing from 3 of those 5-10 seems like a pretty decent number (the rest might be too shy/too excited to post or unaware of these sites or something). Anyway, I have the "Grad 20" too—so let's hope that we get some resolution soon. (Best of luck.)
  14. Thanks for the info diodotus! Holding out hope that not all the acceptances are out yet...(just to torture myself a bit more)
  15. For those of us not on Facebook, would someone mind posting any info regarding Berkeley acceptances (how many, subfield details, etc.) here if there is any? Thanks in advance friends ?
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