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Everything posted by spikeseagulls

  1. I will be attending UC Irvine in the fall! Hello!
  2. Officially signed my SIR for UC Irvine, and I'm super excited!!!
  3. Just recieved my Santa Cruz rejection. It was implied, and I wasn't considering them anymore, anyway, but it's relieving to finally have all my decisions!
  4. Honestly! They definitely screw up all the time which lessens my imposter syndrome a bit. It's possible that they didn't contact waitlisted applicants since the only one I see on the board is mine (unless they just weren't posted on the board), but that's a pretty bad look imo. It's getting to the point of the process where people are beginning to make decisions, and I wouldn't have even thought to consider them since there's been no correspondence between us whatsoever???
  5. I found out that I was on the waitlist for UC Davis today, but I know for certain I wouldn't be attending even if I'm accepted, so I asked to have myself removed. Hopefully this will allow someone else to be closer to acceptance. Best of luck!
  6. So apparently I was waitlisted??!?!?! I guess they forgot to tell me...? LOL
  7. Thank you, I emailed the grad department a few weeks ago and he pretty much said there wasn't anything to be said since they were still making decisions, but I tried my hand with the English coordinator so lets see, lol. I wouldn't even consider my two remaining schools over the ones I was accepted to, but I honestly just need this closure at this point lol
  8. Has anyone else still not heard anything from UC Davis? I don't even think I'm interested in the program anymore, but the silence seems kind of odd lol, considering acceptances and rejections went out forever ago.
  9. Congrats!!!! I live in the outskirts of the city, and JH is in a really great area!
  10. Visit at UCSB was cancelled. Any current students on the form? I asked about contact information for fellow admits, but I was informed that "they don't give out information for applicants prior to admission." Which was kind of confusing because we were all admitted already lol. So if any fellow admits or current students are on here I'd love to talk!
  11. It is ridiculous. I forgot to include that which is another concern of mine. I could only afford to live in the grad housing. At least with Irvine, if I ever got completely sick of it, I could potentially move to Long Beach or LA after my first year or two. I'm not too familiar with Santa Barbara, but I don't think there's anywhere near by enough for me to do that? I'm definitely taking @meghan_sparkle advice about not putting too much stock in the recruitment methods. The DGS at Irvine is using my offer from UCSB in order to raise my funding. There are also two new brilliant professors who were hired in my field (I haven't the slightest idea about who they are, but everytime I shared my interests with anyone, grad student or professor, excitedly informed me about the new professors in my field). Talking through this is actually making things more clear for me. I'm very indecisive and have been working on my confidence when it comes to decision making, but I tend to constantly go back and forward between two options. And honestly, if I am awarded the fellowship at UCI (fingers crossed!) it absolutely would not make sense for me to accept my other offer.
  12. Thank you so much for this! The schools are UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara, if that helps at all. I will for sure ask for the contact information of my potential cohort members! I didn't even think of this. I will for sure keep that in mind! All schools have different recruitment methods, and the DGSs at both schools have been super helpful and transparent about the process. I think the most important step at this point is for me to reach out in order to weigh the pros and cons. I came into this process pretty blindly and without much guidance, so I've definitely been feeling lost lately lol
  13. Honestly— I'm beginning to be conflicted about my two options and I wasn't expecting this to happen, lol. I was accepted two programs and I do adore both programs. Getting into rankings, one is ranked 17 and the other 27. The first school I recieved the standard funding package (21k and 3k the first summer) but I was nominated for the highest diversity fellowship, and I should hear back the results of that this week. This would tremendously increase my stipend by like 4k a year and also enable me to have some more summer funding. I visited the school, and I enjoyed the cohort and professors I met. I only really interacted with one professor I really want to work with (he's an angel and also brilliant, so naturally everyone wants to work with him, lol), and the DGS who is equally as amazing. I'm nowhere near a fan of the area, but it's proximity to LA and other places makes it more appealing. But the city is very... utopic and dystopian at the same time, lol. For the second school, I recieved a significantly higher funding package, as I was nominated for a fellowship that people who participated in a summer program I did last summer are eligible for. As far as the UCs go, it's a pretty sweet set up. 24k a year and 5k for two summers. What immediately struck me was how involved and interested the professors are. So far, I've had four different professors reach out to me to congratulate me and express their desire for me to reach out if I need any help in the process. I had one professor reach out to me at the other school (the professor I wanted to work with), but that's about it. I think what is really making me conflicted is that they really seem to want me there, and it just feels good to be wanted, you know? They're all excited and very interested in my studies. I prefer the location of the second school as well. It also seems a bit isolating, but I mind this less considering I really like the area. I'm not able to attend their open house, but I did get to visit the department last year and speak to a professor, and I enjoyed my time there very much. Only con is I won't be able to meet me future cohort members. Overall— I believe that I would enjoy working with the professors at the second school more. There's more overlap with our research interests. But the first school is also amazing for people in my field (critical theory). How much of a difference is their really between 17 and 27? I know rankings are important to keep in mind, but I don't want to get stuck on that, at the same time. Ahhhhhh you guys are always amazing with advice, so I'd love to hear your input!
  14. Wow— this was just as bad as USC forcing me to create a separate account on a different website just to download the rejection letter.
  15. The DGS at one of my schools actually requested that I send her any other offers I received because this can often be used to leverage more money. She expressed that many students are often nervous or uncomfortable about sharing other acceptances, but there is really nothing to worry about! This can only be used for your benefit.
  16. Another poster said they'd start sending out decisions at the beginning of March!
  17. Booked my flight for Irvine! Their visit days are the same week as NeMLA, so I'll have to leave directly after the visit (maybe during), take a Lyft to LAX, and hop an overnight flight to Boston in order to be there on time to present. ?
  18. I'm definitely sharing the same sentiments about my remaining schools. I'm not expecting anymore acceptances— UC Davis seems like an implied acceptance and so does Penn State and UCSC (since I goofed the entire application). Maybe UCSB, but I wouldn't choose that over UC Irvine (Same with UCD, UCSC and Penn State). I definitely don't think I could handle another cycle mentally, and I don't have anything else planned after graduation. I'm quite content with attending UCI and excited to be attending such an amazing program. I've heard so many stories about people being accepted to only one program, and I think it's quite amazing actually! All it takes is one. 1/11. I'm grateful they were willing to take this chance on me— BA-only, typos and all.
  19. I am also suffering from probably my worst breakout since getting off of Accutane. >.< This stress is no joke
  20. Thank you so much for this!!! I'll definitely be looking into different opportunities since CW has always been a passion of mine.
  21. Definitely! I applied to the English PhD program, and this was honestly one of the schools I didn't expect to get accepted to but I ended up being pleasantly surprised??? But I was hoping to end up at a UC school because of a summer program I did, and everything worked out perfectly.
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