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  1. Thanks! @ParttimeHopeful I did interview with UGA this week. About the same questions and timeframe, though no curveball like that. Fingers crossed... @2020epi bummer re:Bloomberg! Do you think you’ll still attend Hopkins? I love the Hopkins program so much but just can’t figure out how to justify the cost of it (no employer support programs). I didn’t apply to Bloomberg fellowship as it wasn’t really relevant to my field/topics but just desperate for some scholarship/help with funding. Relative to some other programs it’s just hella expensive and not sure I can justify the extra expense.
  2. Thanks for the updates. Got the email acceptance from Hopkins today. Did anyone hear anything from Bloomberg or other scholarship/funding info? @ParttimeHopeful how long was your uga interview and what types of questions did they ask?
  3. @ParttimeHopefulWhen did UGA contact you for your interview? Did they email or call?
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