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Everything posted by zach2sawc

  1. Hi there! I was recently accepted to Truman and just wanted to know if anyone out there has committed yet. Or any is Truman undergrads out there?
  2. Unfortunately I do not know much about those schools other than CU Boulder which did (as someone else mentioned) require 4 letters of rec rather than the standard 3. I visited that uni over the summer and I fell in love with it and the area. Unfortunately the out-of-state tuition is murderous so even if I am accepted, I will not attend which is unfortunate. But that list of schools seems very solid! I'm sure some of those are less known (I've personally never heard of Duluth or Mankato), so I do not think you would have a problem getting into most of those!
  3. I actually had a conversation with my professor (who is also the undergraduate director @ SIUE) about this recently. He said that most people will apply to 7 or 8 schools with 1 or 2 (at most) reach schools. I was planning to apply to the University of Rhode Island in Kingston but after checking ASHA Ed Find and their website, I saw that they have some pretty high standards and are pretty prestigious. My professor assured me that prestige does not matter. I could graduate at the cheapest school that is ASHA certified and be on the same level as someone that graduated from the most expensive ASHA-certified school. While reach schools are fun, it is key to have a few schools that has GPA & GRE standards around your own. During the meeting he also told me "you would probably trade $100 for a spot in a graduate program any day, so might as well do it before it's too late". After this I added 5 more schools onto my list and I got into a few of them so it worked! My reach school is CU Boulder and I have yet to hear from them but my safety schools are really working out for me! To find good safety schools, I would look at non-popular states on ASHA Ed Find. The east coast, west coast, and southwest are super saturated with applicants from my experience & research so it might be beneficial to look at schools like Minot, North Dakota and Truman State University, Missouri. Boring areas mean easier entry! Sorry for the long response lol, but let me know if I can help in any other way!!
  4. Hi there again! Myself and many other people in my cohort are in the same position for Illinois State. I do believe it will be around mid-march like *most* other Illinois schools like SIUE. The last email they sent me was from January 8th and I'm just hoping for something that tells me my application is under review.. The silence & waiting is killing me!
  5. If you do get accepted and choose the school please let me know! It is the first (and possibly the only) school I've been accepted to and would love to know some people before the semester starts
  6. That makes sense! I know that one of my professors said that SIUE prefers to look at their own students first but it probably is because of requirements & preparation. Also congrats to your friends on Boulder! It is a fantastic university and I hope to get in as well!
  7. I know that most schools prefer students form their own institution. But I also know of some schools that don't typically accept students from certain schools. One of the universities near me do not usually accept students from my school but it really does depend on the place. I feel that diversity is a part of it and they would like to take students from all over. However, if you stand out, where you're from should not be too much of an issue.
  8. I have seen students with about 10% of your accomplishments get into great schools. Make sure to cast a wide net with grad schools, as much as you can afford. I applied to 10 and it cost me about $1200-$1500 but it was worth it. ASHA Ed Find is a great website to find schools with certain requirements and you'd be surprised how low some average GPA & GRE scores are. You are 100% fine and all of your qualifications would most certainly turn some heads. If you have any questions you can ask me! But relax, don't stress, & enjoy your senior year!
  9. I was accepted this morning! However I was not emailed or notified in any other way about the need for an interview.
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