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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I haven't heard of that kind of arrangement before. From my understanding, you have to "devote full-time hours to the research or studies for which they were funded" in a continuous manner, so hopefully, your supervisors and institutions are supportive. Best of luck!
  2. I hold an NSERC PDF at a foreign institution (in the US). The Tri-agency Research Training Award Holder’s Guide details on taxation and the income source: "Postdoctoral fellowship holders should plan for their award to be taxed as income in Canada, regardless of whether they are held inside or outside Canada." The wrinkles will be specific to your situation (i.e., tax residency), but either way, you'll be preparing tax forms for both the US (state and federal) and Canada. I'm happy to answer any specific questions Not sure what you mean by working remotely for that research? The SSHRC PDF would be supporting you while engaging in full-time mentored research at the foreign institution, under a supervisor.
  3. RCJ


    Hi @SalmoSalar and @lcoelho: in case it helps, for the 2020 and 2021 competition I received the ranking letter ~1 week after the decision letter. I was waitlisted for the 2020 competition and the language in the initial letter was: "Your application was considered meritorious; however, I regret to inform you that your application did not score highly enough to be funded at this time. Consequently, your application will remain on a short-list of alternates; you will be notified should sufficient funds become available. The absence of such notification will indicate that your application was not selected for funding."
  4. And by previous years I mean pre-COVID lol. Not long ago Progress!
  5. Reading this thread is a trip haha. At least ya'll don't have to wait for a letter via snail mail like in previous years ? Good luck everyone!
  6. Sorry to hear about the outcome! As @simulatedReality recommended, definitely request your Reports on the Applicant just to confirm what NSERC received and the reviewers considered. NSERC should have transferred if your application would have been more suitable for another committee, as per the guidelines here: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/_doc/Students-Etudiants/SelectionCommitteeGuide_e.pdf What were your individual application component scores/ranks? It's important to keep in mind that this year's NSERC PDF competition was more competitive due to the once-per-lifetime limit being lifted, which also contributed to the greater number of applicants in your committee (which is usually much lower). It's also important to consider that the competition pool includes postdocs that have already been productive for up to 2 years post-PhD (and in some cases more, if qualifying for exemption). Overall, the competition is fierce.
  7. Just got my results as well, not offered either. Good luck ya'll!
  8. Hmm that's strange. My rank within 187 was consistent for both criteria (3, 3) and overall rank (3/77).
  9. Hi all, I was lucky and received an initial offer this year. Just checked and my rank letter is now posted for committee 187 (Cellular and Molecular Biology): ranked 3rd out of 77. In case it's helpful, here are my stats from last year too (~2x as many applicants this year): NSERC PDF 2020 = 13/40 (32.5%, shortlisted, received and accepted alternate offer Jan 2021). It's worth noting that the initial offer success rate in 2020 was 25% for committee 187 NSERC PDF 2021 = 3/77 (3.9%, offered, will be automatically rejected/declined due to taking the 2020 alternate offer)
  10. Offered award (committee 187), no rank letter yet
  11. I hope you get an offer from the shortlist As for my proposal, I did a pretty extensive re-write
  12. I applied Fall 2019, got alternate shortlisted Jan/Feb 2020, then received notice that I was offered the alternate award off the shortlist earlier this month Jan 2021 (which I accepted by the deadline, yesterday, to start in Mar 2021). I also applied for the current competition in Fall 2020 since they lifted the once-per-lifetime application limit and I was still on the shortlist from the prior year. I just received notice yesterday (after accepting the previous offer) that I was offered an award this year as well. Apparently this can extend the eligible start date of the award up to Jan 2022, but I'm waiting to hear back from NSERC on how that'll work. Still waiting on word for the Banting too, which would result in me declining the NSERC PDF.
  13. It's possible, but it needs to be approved. See here: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/Guides-Guides/TriRTA-TriBFR_eng.asp#changeinstitution Request form: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/_doc/Students-Etudiants/ChangesAward_e.pdf
  14. I'm glad the letters won't be travelling via snail mail this year Last year: decision letters were dated Jan 27th and rank letters Jan 31st. I didn't receive mine in the mail until Feb 4th and 11th, respectively.
  15. Looks like the Extranet access was to pre-empt some good news: I received an alternate award offer from the waitlist of the previous year (2020) competition
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