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  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Playwriting

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  1. hulo @Mel Rose ? glad to see you looking into this path ? i think as a playwright the most important thing is still the writing (the actual script) so i'm quite sure it'd play a strong role in your application, whether or not you identify as a writer. the fact that you've worked in differing fields within performing arts is an advantage, i think, as it gives you more than one approach to writing and theatre-making. but ultimately your scripts will inform the admission gang of your readiness at the time of submission ? I have developed quite a few conceptual pieces but my "traditional" script is still the core of my MFA application - in the end it's called Dramatic Writing, not Dramatic Thinking ? besttest of luck with your investigation and application! and hope you stay safe and healthy during this crazy time too! ???❤️???
  2. Hi guys, Hope everyone is well and safe. Now that I'm committed to CMU, just want to send a big huge giant Thank You to you all for being here, discussing things, sharing information and in general being ultra supportive. I've learnt so much for this forum it practically prepped me for grad school ? I'd like to contribute by sharing a bit of my experience as a foreign student applicant, hopefully it'd help a future candidate who also look to study in such a locatity-specific field, in a language not their native. Before mid 2019 I've been much more a visual art creative producer than a writer in any sense, though I did produce a few of my stage plays. My scripts thus have not been written in a traditional, formal way but more visually and conceptually informed. I wrote to a few programs before application season began to ask them if what I looked for in an MFA (cross-disciplinary playwriting) matched what they offered. It was BU's Kate Snodgrass who kindly provided such attentive feedback that helped me craft a more focused application afterwards (thanks Kate and big cheers to whom studying there this year ? ) So when it came to applying, my first choice was Brown for the fact that they promoted writing for the bath tub or a hallway. Me likey. My second choice was UCSD, erhm... not sure if sharing this info would make me look too idiotic but oh well, it was because they'd provide candidates with a summer stipend to go see shows around the world. Gee me likey that too. Of course those were top programs, I have no doubt of the program quality, just sayin' when you look at them from afar these seemingly smaller things mattered quite a bit. CMU was more than perfect for their visual art/scientific flair but did not offer as much financial support and it was a huge factor for me, so I sent in my work praying that the universe saw how compatible my aspiration was with CMU's and would nod on it somehow. Then I had a talk with a revered figure in experimental theatre in Southeast Asia, who did his PhD at NYU, and he said I should go to New York because not only theatre but also visual art were abundant there (beside whatever else) and he had the impression I'd thrive in that environment. I took his sensible advice and ego-boosting compliment to apply at Columbia. My 5th option was Iowa as I valued ultra vigorous writing training and also fantasized a writing get-away of sort, but I'll admit that I might not be a good fit for them, nor they for me. As it went, out of the fancylord institutions above, I only got an interview with CMU and was put in waitlist afterwards. However much I was ecstatic about the possibility of admission, I was also dead scare of not getting in any school, which in my eyes signified that my writing in specific and capacity as a playwright in general were not "good enough". The convos in this forum and Draft slowly reaffirmed that 1) a mutual fit was more likely a factor than individual capacity, especially in contemporary playwriting, and 2) this is a practice, not a competition, meaning your continuous work would count much more than the entrance to a particular (fancy) school, and 3) there's next year, which might be a better option for many aspiring writers. Strategizing the applications will earn you a much better chance of a great fit (academic, funding, logistic, professional opportunities etc...) than applying widely out of wishful thoughts and angonizing over half a year like I just did. These things helped me greatly in thinking about the growth of a playwright, and I hope it'd help some future applicants in choosing a sensible path. Then came Covid that draped everything in a mist of uncertainty.... But that might be worth another convo. Again, I'm grateful for this forum and you guys for being weirdly open and encouraging. Maybe we're a weird bunch. No other thread is as long and as friendly as this one. Maybe we'll help our peer weird writers/thinkers/doers (you helped me so so so much y'all ? ?). Maybe by us doing our own theatre things we'll help the world out a bit. Maybe we'll feel good doing so. I hope you do, cuz we need to feel good to retain on this long and difficult path ? So that's my two cents today. Cheers folks! ??????❤️ PS: I should also send a love note to the folks at Draft after I get over my sort of fear for non-anomity… ??
  3. so i'm accepted by CMU off the waitlist ? still waiting to hear form Iowa but i'm more than likely will accept CMU offer... i like the robot-making atmosphere there... @SuddenBeth maybe we'll get to be classmates ?
  4. yo @zayzay, how was Iowa campus? ? i've heard zip from Iowa and not really sure if I should still wait for the possibility of being your classmate there now... ?
  5. so just check the portal and see that I am officially rejected from UCSD... at least I was rewatching FRIENDS for the 5th time so it only stung about 45.7%... ???
  6. me liking all the positive feedback you have @Dongato (and anyone else who has interviewed) ? You totally deserve it!!!! Good luck to you and to all of us who's still waiting too ? We got this ?? ????????
  7. congratulations @Zadican!!!! it's such a good news!! besttest on your new journey!!!! ???
  8. CONGRATULATIONS @zayzay !!!!!!! ???
  9. sending you some virtual hugs ? i'm sure you'd be able to chart forward whatever the result. cheers! ?
  10. @Dongato gee me too ? sorry my wink didn't come across ??? besttest of luck with your interview! ?
  11. how do you plan to fund your study (in general and if getting in to Columbia)? 'fraid none of us got that 150k spare otherwise we might be busy making another 150k and stuff... ?
  12. it's awesome that some peeps are receiving offers from UCSD but... but....
  13. so i'm on the wailist boat at CMU too ? happy waiting further y'all ?
  14. by the way, seeing people posting their *many* notifications on FB Draft '20 is like...
  15. @eurialo I'm applying for the first time. as for Brown the website says it takes up to 8 weeks for them to notify everyone and interview is not mandatory. their application deadline is Jan 10 so without an interview request i'm still kinda holding out for it... until March 10... I guess... ???
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