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Everything posted by TenH

  1. Got results for Queen’s last week (not sure if this is all of Queen’s - but got results from my department)
  2. Still no word here at all
  3. I’ve seen on some other forums ryerson has begun releasing results!
  4. Queen’s has updated that we will hear by midmay, and that April 30 was the deadline for being nominated by your department
  5. We can! I had emailed the OGS contact and the firm answer was still somewhat unclear. I just hope to hear one way or the other to know for sure my status
  6. And how vague everything is! The answer to all my questions seems to be “it depends” which is probably 100% true but does nothing to stop me always refreshing my application portal
  7. When I did some digging I saw May 11 on quite a few school websites as the “new date” for notification given covid - nothing from my own school yet
  8. It was pretty confusing! The email was titled “funding update” and just notified about a change in my package from the university itself and then mentioned “given your academic record we have put you forward for an OGS” or something along those lines, even though I had done the application myself (and we are required to anyways)
  9. I did get an email from my department that says they “put forward my application” so I assume this is the first pass that departments do before official decisions are made?
  10. Incoming Queen’s student and no news yet!
  11. @SmallBean feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat about it!! Might be helpful to compare notes
  12. Surprisingly im a little undecided!
  13. With all the mess I have totally forgotten to post in here! Got in about 3 weeks ago to the 2 year program! Huge congrats to everyone! We made it
  14. A group for any potential Queen’s students next year! https://www.facebook.com/groups/2802300409851549/?ref=share
  15. @allyvs132 We should hear by May 1 either way and thats still the case thankfully
  16. @SmallBean @allyvs132 Im going to toss Carol at uoft a quick email tomorrow just asking how this may impact admissions! I can report back here if that would he helpful
  17. Thinking of emailing them next week but maybe thats too soon?
  18. Im also curious! And when I email the uoft program they aren’t very forthcoming with info
  19. @SmallBean thats so weird! I was told July. I haven’t gotten any word yet either way from UofT but will maybe reach out soon given that now it seems I need to reply more quickly to Queen’s.
  20. @smallbean I had some discussions with the department where it came up! But I would ask to be sure
  21. @SmallBean two year! How about you?
  22. @SmallBean Hoping more people join this thread so we can keep tabs on the uoft side of things
  23. @SmallBean were they able to offer you ogs or any funding?
  24. @SmallBean more like 90% there!
  25. @SmallBean who knows? We could end up being classmates!
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