Hi! I’m a domestic male applying to stats PhD programs for fall 2021. I’m uncertain of what tier of schools I should apply to and what I could do to improve my chances of being accepted into a quality program. Below is a brief description of my resume.
Applied math at a large state school
UGPA: low 3.8
Master’s GPA: high 3.8
Q 168
V 165
W 4.5
Relevant grad courses
time series (A), stochastic processes (A), bayesian stats (A), linear modeling(A), stats consulting (A), Numerics (B+,A-), spatial stats (A), Math stat (A), ML related CS classes (A,A-)
Relevant undergrad courses
Diff Eq (A-), Linear Algebra (A), Analysis (A), complex analysis (A), Discrete Math (A-), PDEs (B), Numerics (B), Probability (A-), finished calc before college, standard CS classes for a minor (As).
Research during undergrad with a physics team and the stats consulting group on campus. Several posters and a coauthorship on a paper in an average physics journal. TA/undergrad course assistant for LA, calc and some low level math classes.
Post graduation i’ve spent three years at a national lab as a statistician. Few coauthorships in conference proceedings, handful of talks at average stats conferences, two first author papers in average stats journals and my name on some student posters.
They said they would be strong. I’ve done research with two of them and have taken several grad courses with the third.
I’m concerned primarily with what caliber of school I could expect to get into and what I can do to improve before applying. Please be constructive and forward. Thanks in advance!