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Everything posted by h4ngp.t

  1. Thank you all! This is super helpful!
  2. Thank you for sharing! This is really helpful information. Much appreciated!
  3. I applied to both GPSIA and NPSIA and received rejection from both this week Wondering if anyone who got accepted has any pointers as I'm considering re-applying next year. I honestly don't know what I would need to do to improve my application: - Was it because I did an undergrad not in Poli-Sci (I have a BCom)? I did take the mandatory Econs courses and have also taken some 1st and 2nd year Poli-sci courses as electives. My average from my undergrad is a B. - I have 2-3 years work experience related to international development and global health. - My letter of intent focused on what I wanted to do in my career, should I have focused on research instead? I've reached out to NPSIA to see if I can get more details but none were provided, only that the program is very competitive. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Hi everyone, I'm intending to re-apply to the M.A. Program at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs for the semester starting in September 2021. I've previously applied for the semester starting in September 2020. My application was recommended for assessment but was eventually rejected. I've contacted the office of admission asking for more details so I can improve on my second application, but the answer was very vague (we have limited spaces, the program is very competitive, etc.). They did mention that in some cases, people took additional undergraduate level courses related to international affairs to strengthen their application for a following year. I was wondering if anyone has experience re-applying to NPSIA and can give some pointers or suggest some undergrad courses to take? Thank you so much!
  5. Hi there, Have you received a response from NPSIA? I'm in the same boat, my file is still in "Recommended for Assessment" and it's mid-July already. I've tried asking if the review process is delayed because of COVID-19 but the only response I got was "we're sending out responses up until August 31".
  6. Thanks for this! I guess all I can do now is wait until the end of August then...
  7. Hi everyone, I've applied to NPSIA for the Fall 2020 semester back in November 2019 but until now, my application is still in "Recommended for Assessment". I've tried emailing the department for a more detailed answer and to see if there are delays in application review process due to COVID-19 but the only answer I got was "we're sending out responses up until August 31". It's July now and I'm still in limbo, should I consider that my application was rejected or has there been cases before where people still got accepted to the program in August for the semester starting in September? Thank you!
  8. Hi everyone, I've also applied to NPSIA with the hope of starting in September 2020. I submitted my application in November 2019 but still haven't heard back so I emailed and they said I haven't been selected in first round and they will now look at applications on a cyclical basis, until August. I'm getting a bit nervous because my profile is a bit different from what is listed in the admission requirements. I have a BCom, I speak 4 languages (including English and French) and have worked abroad and in Canada for a couple of years, mostly for NGOs. I'm currently working in campaign/advocacy around international development policies. I'm pretty confident about my personal statement and the references but my weakest point is my undergrad GPA (I wasn't passionate about what I was learning). What do you think are my chances and how important is GPA in their admission process? Should I be taking extra classes to boost up my profile?
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