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  1. Hi XSX, I could have sworn that the full ride scholarships were open to painting students. I believe I discussed this specifically with multiple people, both teachers and students, in the RISD painting department. I would double check before you decide. While I can't speak to your own situation, I certainly can relate to dealing with the school rejections. While I was accepted to RISD/SAIC/WashU I got rejected outright at Rutgers, UCLA, Hunter, and probably CMU. I also got an interview at Yale but was ultimately rejected. I'd like to think my experience just shows how random and unpredictable admissions gets with MFA programs. The professors have to juggle their own artistic interests, make a cohort with a diversity of styles and subjects, and they also have to decide if they can imagine working with someone for two years after only talking for maybe 30 minutes during an interview. With all of these factors, the admissions process gets highly subjective and potentially flawed. When I'm down on myself about my results I forget this, but eventually I remember that I simply can't entirely know what's at play in the admission process.
  2. Thanks! I got a letter in the mail dated February 26th.
  3. I'm late to the game, but I was ultimately accepted into the following programs: (RISD painting, SAIC painting, SAIC Sculpture, WashU fine arts). I'm heavily leaning towards RISD painting, however I'm having doubts. I've noticed a lot of people here applying to very different schools than I did (places like UMich, Goldsmiths, Tulane, Hunter, state programs, etc) and I was curious what people thought of my options. I certainly know places like RISD have good reputations, but are these programs all that or do their high costs keep away the best artists? I'm very fortunately in a position to attend my accepted programs and graduate with very limited to no debt. I apologize if my concerns sound silly or if the answers seem obvious to you but I am genuinely anxious about this. Congratulations to everyone on their results! This whole process has been miserable, but at the end of the day I know that making great art is worth all this trouble.
  4. Just a heads up for everyone: I was able to check my UCLA application status, it seems the results have been made available today. Be sure to check your old emails for the password they provide when logging in.
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