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Everything posted by Call_Me_Betty

  1. Same here. No changes at all
  2. Oh right, of course. I'm PST
  3. The email came in at 6:51pm, but there might be waves of them!
  4. I also just got an email that I got an interview. Hope everyone hears good news soon!
  5. So on their FB page it says they close at 6:30, so perhaps there is still hope of news tonight?
  6. Oooh! Do we get bonus points for precarious mental health? That should bolster my application!
  7. I doubt it! Are you willing to share what your average score was? (or re-share, I've lost track)
  8. That sounds like a great sign!! I don't have any stars that I can see...
  9. Haha, yes, not a bad strategy for them! Automatic out of office responses I did end up asking my friend who received the scholarship last year and it does sound like this ranking/scoring system is new for this year. Sigh.
  10. I've been trying to figure it out by doing a deep dive online, but it hasn't done any good. I even considered asking previous scholars, but I suspect--because the application and system have changed this year--it would not be helpful to compare.
  11. If you click on your profile and then click Grants, there should be a tab at the top that you can scroll down and view Review Scores. It certainly isn't a user-friendly system...
  12. Mine is 97, 102 and average 100. It is impossible to know what this means though! Like, is a high score even better? who knows! *brain explodes*
  13. Good find! I see this now, but I have no idea how it is scored or what it is scored out of
  14. No one else in my cohort even applied, so I feel very alone in this process. So grateful for you lovely folks enduring the wait alongside me!
  15. I haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully tomorrow!
  16. So the odds aren't great, but I remain hopeful! Hopefully we will hear one way or the other by Wednesday!
  17. Totally agree with the pageant style questions! I am nervously awaiting news, knowing that we have a few more weeks of waiting. They actually have a really quick turnaround time compared to TriCouncil awards.
  18. I just submitted my application! I don't know how I feel about the Essay questions--I was hoping for more of a personal statement-type format, but we'll see Good luck everyone!
  19. I am definitely considering it! My research doesn't neatly fall within their four areas, but I think I can make it work. I'm wondering when applications will be available. Have you applied previously? I'm just entering my first year of my PhD next week!
  20. I think you're right! Originally I had posted that there were five committees, based on my memory. But edited the post after looking at the link I included!
  21. I'm not sure how it is for uni quota folks, but as a direct applicant, I had to choose one of 6 committees that most aligned with my work. I chose Committee 4. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/apply-demande/background-renseignements/postdoctoral_committees-comites_postdoctoral-eng.aspx
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