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Everything posted by DR15

  1. yes, 2 yr clinical track
  2. From what I have seen on other forums, Hunter rarely gives out $ for free, if any. They just offer work study or unsubsidized direct loans. Has anyone been given any $ directly from Hunter other than a loan?
  3. from my understanding, Hunter barely gives out any financial aid $ for free, if any. They typically just offer you loans only
  4. Congrats! I was accepted on 4/27 and immediately accepted it as well. My immunization records were already on file with CUNY, as I attended a CUNY undergrad school. As of yesterday, 5/19, I got an email confirming that I was officially registered with Hunter College on CUNYfirst. It definitely takes a while.
  5. Thank you for your response. I am able to access my CUNYFIRST with no problem. However, I’m using the same account I used for my undergrad and it still shows my old CUNY school I attended and when I click on the tab “enrollment dates” it says I don’t have any upcoming enrollment dates Very frustrating. I have followed the correct format for the email but still it says that this email does not exist. I also never received an email stating to "claim your myhunter or NETid" either. So maybe I just have to keep waiting for them to send that first. If anyone has been able to active their hunter email, have they sent out any information through the myhunter email?
  6. I got the acceptance package yesterday but never received the other email. The banner still shows my undergraduate school (NOT hunter). Hoping it will change soon. You have been very helpful, thank you!
  7. Thank you for your response, I guess I will have to follow up with the school regarding that as I have not received that email with a NetID or to claim your myhunter email. I only received the email regarding the acceptance package. When was that sent out? As for holds, I don' t have any but it still shows my undergraduate CUNY school... which I graduated from 3 years ago. When is your enrollment date?
  8. Has anyone been able to create a myhunter email address or see when the enrollment day is on their CUNYfirst account? I am having no luck in either. Every time I follow the format for the email address it states that its not valid when trying to set it up.
  9. Has anyone been able to create a myhunter email address or see when the enrollment day is on their CUNYfirst account? I am having no luck in either. Every time I follow the format for the email address it states that its not valid when trying to set it up. In terms of enrollment date: my account says that I "do not have access to enrollment at this time". HELP...
  10. Just saw that email as well, I was accepted on 4/27. Congrats!
  11. I have not been able to find the fb page you posted. Can you include a direct link?
  12. Has anyone received information regarding field placement process/ filling out placement form? Or any updates regarding enrollment?
  13. Has anyone received information regarding field placement and enrollment? Did you submit a field placement form?
  14. Hi, I will be attending Hunter in the fall for the 2 year clinical track. I have not heard anything since submitting my acceptance form, which was on 4/27.
  15. UPDATE: got in to Hunter with no interview on 4/27 @4pm
  16. Got into Hunter with no interview!! Submitted application: 2/1. Completed: 2/20. Final decision made by Hunter: 4/27 @4pm. Accepted offer: 4/27 @4:01pm lol.... only school I applied to!!!!
  17. UPDATE: just got accepted with NO Interview!!!!! as of 4/27/20 @4pm
  18. Submitted Application on 2/1/20 and officially completed on 2/20/20. Still waiting for further instructions!!!
  19. Application submitted on 2/1/20 but officially completed on 2/20/20. still waiting for further instructions!!!!
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