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Everything posted by Walczyka

  1. Committee 187, 114/230, waitlisted! Wondering if anyone is around me who was funded so I should know how close I am to the cusp, or if I should just give up hope now lol.
  2. Has anyone heard back with their rankings yet?
  3. 187 - just got my rejection but at least I can relax now! Congrats to all the winners!!!
  4. Wow you had such a productive year despite COVID, congrats!!! All the best luck to you in your future studies!
  5. Ahhh! Im in 187, I'm so nervous! Anyone who got it 1) did you get your ranking and 2) if you feel comfortable can you share a bit about your CV if you were successful?
  6. you and me both! still nothing
  7. Anyone from 187 Mol & Cell bio hear back?
  8. lol so I've been refreshing the wrong page this whole time - love that for me
  9. Oh man that is rough, I have my fingers crossed for you to get NSERC and not have COVID!!
  10. Im three coffees in but have so much marking due this Friday, then a conference to organize and present at next Tuesday, and meetings all day today and tomorrow.... love when you can't even be a nervous/anxious wreck in peace and have to pretend to be okay for the work day lol
  11. Last year was actually so terrible because they had a blip releasing the results so I didnt get mine until three days after everyone else lol
  12. Im not 100% sure but last year it kinda seemed that way!
  13. I just got mine and I'm W - buckle up guys this is also how they released the results, by committee # and alphabetically! So coming from someone with a W last name, I know its hard to not read into things but we are all in this together!! Good luck everyone!!
  14. It should come up in applicant libraries like this! * this is from last years!
  15. I'm honestly okay with not getting it... I was close last year and since of COVID I havent made much progress so I'm not expecting much.... but I want people to get NSERC and decline OGS so maybe I have a shot at that!!! Being in this twilight zone sucks cause I can't focus on anything else.
  16. Hi all, I'm a PhD Candidate at Guelph too! I'm in Molecular and Cellular Biology, we are required to take two courses plus we have the PhD candidacy exam. I did not do a Masters, so I did my comprehensive exam in my 6th semester (one early because of COVID) so I think its semester 5 if you have a masters and semester 7 if you do direct entry! Fingers crossed the results come out today! Im just so sick of waiting around for it.
  17. Hello neighbour! Please do let me know if you end up receiving an award Some people said that they got flat out rejected (didnt have that last line about remaining on a short list of alternates. I have a friend that I think was ranked 121st and it included that line. I think probably close to 100 people got it, and about to 125 is waitlist. Again just speculation from my advisor from his past experiences. I was ranked 55 in research potential (I have one second author paper and one paper under review where I'm in the middle of the pack), and a 57 in experience. Highly frustrated with the experience category as I am extremely involved in my department from helping build a new lab intensive neuroscience course to being the president of the graduate student council. Just never seems like enough
  18. It is 10000000% still worth completing your degree. You are CLEARLY so so so capable. You have so many other things to be proud of and 198 is Comp Sci right?! Its a tough area to be in, remember that even if you didnt get it, being forwarded to this level still puts you with the top 5-10% of people in your cohort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know things look grim right now, but take tonight to grieve and be sad, and use this as motivation for the future. I believe in you and I'm proud of all your accomplishments listed and MORE!
  19. If enough people post their scores maybe we can find out haha
  20. Did yours say you are on a waitlist? Im assuming so since you would be ahead of me!
  21. Commitee 187 - just in, Rank 109/227. Seems like I'm waitlisted. Anyone know what the cutoff was?
  22. Same here
  23. Did you just get it? Maybe its still uploading
  24. I have no idea. I called this morning and they have no explanation as to why we haven't gotten our results yet...
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