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Posts posted by Speechiepeachie4

  1. Hello everyone!

    Sorry that I am so late to joining this forum - my friend told me about it this morning and all I can think is that it would have been so nice to be able to chat with all of you through this intense process. I also received notification of being placed on the Waitlist for the UofA on March 10th and swear I was in my own sort of purgatory until just recently, especially with the added stress and anxiety of everything that is happening in the world right now - to which I want to say, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

    With all that being said, I know that a lot of folks have been asking about UofA waitlist so that is why I still wanted to post so late in the game. I did receive a call from Vicki on April 16th offering me a spot off the waitlist on and into the program and accepted! So for those of you still waiting, hold out hope, and know that you're one spot closer. Hopefully we will be classmates in the fall!

    To those of you who have received acceptances, congrats and good luck these coming years! I am beyond thrilled and can't wait to get started!

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