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MarleyBarley last won the day on April 25 2022

MarleyBarley had the most liked content!

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Double Shot

Double Shot (5/10)



  1. Ranked 3/20 in my committee! Best wishes to everyone!
  2. June 2nd is finally here soon! Who's waiting!?
  3. Has anyone have any idea if and when waiting list applicants will hear anything? I hear start of june is usually the date.
  4. I emailed the person at frqnt and he directed me to this webpage. HEre's the english version https://frq.gouv.qc.ca/en/avis-a-la-communaute-de-la-recherche-et-a-la-communaute-etudiante-resultats-de-concours-2022-2023/
  5. I got the same letter twice as well. I don't know why they do that. what committee are you in if i could ask ?
  6. Pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant, les resultats ne seront pas disponible demain. "Les Fonds de recherche du Québec doivent repousser la date d’annonce des octrois 2022-2023. En effet, les annonces sont prévues le 2 juin 2022. Le répertoire des offres de financement et la page Web diffusant les résultats des concours seront mis à jour à cette date." Alors il faut attendre un mois de plus. Calisse...
  7. is anyone impatiently waiting for rankings ? lol
  8. Sorry to hear that, I feel like theres a lot of subjectivity in this kind of processes and depending on what committee u're in it might already be very competitiive. Its hard not to feel sad about it sorry
  9. honestly why cant they just also give ranking the same time as the results are out like SSHRC does...
  10. ". I regret to inform you that your application did not score highly enough to be funded, and you will not be offered an award." from mine last year
  11. thats a waitlist! same wording for mine... i got a rejection last year and it def was not worded like this one.
  12. yeah that email should be your username... and password is the changed password.
  13. Committee 177: Got waitlisted... Sad as that's the last try. Does anyone know the maximum cutoff for waitlist? Sometimes I hear the waitlist can be as long as 12% after the cutoff percentage which renders is impossible to get it anyway.
  14. frqnt is always last friday of april if not april 30th. i find frqnt equally as competitive as nserc
  15. anyone from quebec also waiting for the 2nd round of heart attack from FRQ(NT) on friday?
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