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aspiring_econ's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I have a 9.1 (B+) GPA in my final year of undergraduate honours economics degree. I have taken all advanced economics and mathematics courses - advanced micro (B-), advanced macro (A), advanced econometrics (A), mathematical econ (A-), real analysis (B), advanced calculus (C+). My CGPA is 2.7 (B-).I have strong research assistance experience (central bank and economic professors) and professional experience (economic consulting and think tank). I'll be writing my GRE this fall. As a resident of both countries, what are my chances of getting into top MA in Economics programs in Canada (UofT, Queens, Western) and the US (UMichigan MA, Cornell MA, Duke MA)?
  2. Going into my 5th year of Honours Economics, with a minor in Maths. Planning to apply for MA in Economics at UofT, Western, McMaster, Laurier and McGill. First and second year GPAs aren't the best: A in intro and intermediate Micro, B in intro and intermediate Macro C in Calc 1, F in Calc 2( but retook and upgraded it to a C-), C in Lin alg 1, D in lin alg 2. Grades got gradually better in upper years, and took more advanced Econ and Math courses: A in Advanced Micro Theory 1, 2 and all other 3rd and 4th year Econ courses(Research methods, Intl trade, Monetary) B+ in Econometrics 1 and 2 C+ in Calc 3 A in Calc 4. Professional experiences: Worked as a Research Assistant this summer with a Professor in the faculty of Economics. Had 2 summer internships as a financial analyst for a tech firm in Toronto. Extracurriculars: Research analyst for a student - run investment club in the university. Representative with the Economics society. What are my chances of getting into these schools, given my improvement in the final 2 years?
  3. Going into my 5th year of Honours Economics, with a minor in Maths. Planning to apply for MA in Economics at UofT, Western, McMaster, Laurier and McGill. First and second year GPAs aren't the best: A in intro and intermediate Micro, B in intro and intermediate Macro C in Calc 1, F in Calc 2( but retook and upgraded it to a C-), C in Lin alg 1, D in lin alg 2. Grades got gradually better in upper years, and took more advanced Econ and Math courses: A in Advanced Micro Theory 1, 2 and all other 3rd and 4th year Econ courses(Research methods, Intl trade, Monetary) B+ in Econometrics 1 and 2 C+ in Calc 3 A in Calc 4. Professional experiences: Worked as a Research Assistant this summer with a Professor in the faculty of Economics. Had 2 summer internships as a financial analyst for a tech firm in Toronto. Extracurriculars: Research analyst for a student - run investment club in the university. Representative with the Economics society. What are my chances of getting into these schools, given my improvement in the final 2 years?
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