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Everything posted by DoctorMusical

  1. Generally Catherine calls people the weekend after interviews. If you haven't heard from her, it's likely a rejection. Heavily disappointed that they posted on Instagram last week that they were holding interviews - without notifying those that weren't going to be interviewed.
  2. Anyone hear back from Yale this year?
  3. The PhD waitlist or the MA waitlist?
  4. Yale rejections are out 😢
  5. Is Columbia going out with a second round of interviews after making an offer?!
  6. Yale had interviews last week.
  7. Congrats! A friend got into Stanford a few years ago, but turned it down. I guess Columbia is a no for me. ?
  8. Applied to Columbia but never heard back. Assumed it was a no by this point.
  9. Anyone else apply to Yale Dramaturgy this year or have interviewed in the past?
  10. Did anyone else hear back from Yale about interviews?
  11. I Know It's Today
  12. Brown, Columbia, CUNY, and NYU I have a friend at UC Berkeley! Best of luck to you!
  13. From past results on the forum and this website, I would have expected to hear back about interviews to some programs by now, so I was getting nervous. I'm sure it'll all be clearer in the next 3 weeks. I was just looking for data points, but I also know that this year is atypical, considering many programs paused their admissions during COVID and this may be the first year some programs are accepting again. Fingers crossed!! Where did you apply?
  14. Hi, Looks like this forum is quiet this year. Anyone apply to Theatre/Performance Studies/Dramaturgy programs this cycle? Submitted everything a few weeks ago. Haven't heard back from any programs yet. (Looking for friends to commiserate with while I wait to hear back!)
  15. As someone who graduated a few years ago with my MFA, I just wanted to pop in here to say not to despair with waiting lists. The wait lists are typically small and you have a great chance of either getting a spot that opens up, or getting an offer of admission the following year. Source: I was waitlisted to my MFA program along with 3 other people. Myself and one other person got in and the other two joined the program the following year. Best of luck and congratulations everyone!
  16. @sisisi Congratulations! I wasn't offered funding, but still plan to attend. Happy to connect on Facebook if you'd like to direct message me!
  17. Just got an offer of admission to the MA Performance Studies program at NYU Tisch, which was my first choice! Very excited to study in the Fall!
  18. @sisisi I applied to the MA Performance Studies program at NYU since it appears that most of their PhDs are former MA students and NYU is my top choice. I found out today that I was granted an offer of admission! Very excited!
  19. Just got an email from NYU saying all PhD admits and wait list had been notified already. MA decision letters are going to start going out on Monday, March 15. Unsure if this means I'm still in the running for the MA program? ?
  20. The MA application is likely related to the question on the PhD application “If not admitted into the PhD program, would you like to be considered for the MA program as well?” I assume it likely means rejection from the PhD program, but potentially a MA offer. I personally only applied to the MA program and am hoping for some news any day now.
  21. NYU is my top choice and I’m waiting to hear back from them as well. Personally, I borrowed a lot of money for my last degree. Unless you have the money, I’d almost always say to go to the program that is offering you the most funding. Your thesis and career are going to be what you make of it. It’s much better to not have to struggle with insurmountable debt, post-graduation.
  22. Just got an update email from NYU saying they are still reviewing applications and should send out decisions in mid-March. Fingers crossed!
  23. The pandemic has honestly been overwhelming, so I opted to pursue an additional master’s degree before jumping into the doctoral race. This is such a relatively small field and I was hoping to find camaraderie with fellow applicants. Are any schools offering admission this early?
  24. Submitted my applications a few hours ago. Wishing everyone best of luck!
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