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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Spanish Lit

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poetrylover's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Qué emoción!!!! Suerte!!
  2. Congratulations! That's so exciting!!!
  3. Yo estoy decidiendo entre dos programas al momento, Berkeley y Georgetown (literatura)! Me encantan ambos, así que estoy súper indecisa. Todavía no me han dicho nada sobre el "funding". A la verdad que este ciclo ha estado rarísimo, comparando el "thread" de este año con aquellos de años anteriores! Les mando mucho ánimo y les deseo éxito a todos!!!
  4. Yes, they do!
  5. Congrats to you, too!!! That's amazing!! I read through forums form previous years & it seems like an excellent choice! I'm still deciding where to go.
  6. Thank you!!! I'm very excited about it! It was through phone call! @presidentialpudding @Anabel
  7. Hi! Yep, I got admitted into Georgetown yesterday!
  8. Thank you!!! @senorbrightside Good luck to you! I can't stop refreshing my email. The wait is so stressful
  9. I received my first acceptance yesterday!!! Even though I do have to hear back from the rest, I am beyond excited because its my top choice! I hope this cycle is going well for everyone!!!☺️
  10. Just received exciting news as well! Received an email to schedule an interview for next week! It is one of my top choices, and I am too excited, but nervous too! Does anyone have any interview tips?
  11. @presidentialpudding @senorbrightside That is amazing, congrats & good luck to you both!!
  12. Does anyone know when do programs start to release decisions?
  13. I still have two apps due on Jan 15, but pretty well! I hope to hear back soon, fingers crossed! @senorbrightside
  14. How did this cycle go for everyone?
  15. Submitted two today, demasiado nerviosa!?
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