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Everything posted by Nihankg

  1. Those who are admitted to CUNY MA Program, do you plan to accept the offer? How do you plan to solve the funding issue? Is it common to find tuition fee or monthly scholarship? I would appreciate any help.
  2. Was there any information about or did they imply that they are conducting interviews on rolling basis or at once? Thank you!
  3. Hello all, is there anyone who hear back from Michigan State? I check my portal regularly and nothing is there. So I wondered if it is the same with everybody?
  4. Hi, sorry to distract the heated debate on Cornell but I must ask: Is there anyone who hear something from CUNY? It seems like sociology admissions was a bit of mess. I wonder is it the same for POLS as well.
  5. Do you think its alphabetical order or application order?
  6. Did you interview with Syracuse too?
  7. Hi! My partner applied there. He is informed that he was waitlisted. The news came towards the end of January, I guess. I hope this helps. If you feel anxious you better reach out and keep us informed here.
  8. Hello all, I am waitlisted in UC San Diego. Is there anyone who has some insights or any kind of information about the likelihood that the waitlisted applicants are eventually admitted or rejected? So far, I only got waitlist status. This is why I feel a bit dumped. As you already know waiting process is really tiresome. So any kind of insight or insider information is very well appreciated. Best of luck to those who are still waiting....
  9. Hello good luck with your applications! I do not have a specific suggestion, given that the application cycle is almost over now. But maybe you can keep an eye on the programs in Europe. Also I figured we kind of have similar profile, not in terms of corresponding interests but I guess other parts of our application profiles such as coming from non-western country, having a professional job in your field, similar Toefl, GPA, and GRE scores, etc... I also applied a couple of schools that you listed. Though, I guess my profile is not as good as yours. So I would really like to hear some updates from you Best of luck again!
  10. Hello all, I newly discovered the world of Grad Cafe. It felt good to find people who can truly understand and empathize with you. I have two questions about which, I thought, you may have an idea or suggestions. First, I applied a bunch of schools at 15 December. Since all the deadlines coincided, I was a bit of harsh to revise my SOP and send them out. Now I come to realize that there were some stupid mistakes (grammatical errors or typos) in my SOPs, not too much fortunately. But since the day I have seen them, I am obsessed with it. So I was wondering should I send an email to grad schools and try to find a way to resend my SOPs or something. Btw I was diagnosed with covid around 7 Dec. And I think this has also something to do with my unpreparedness. I know that SOPs are maybe the one single most important element in our application files but I want to hope that these mistakes are not enough to make ad.com. completely discard my application. Secondly, I was wondering about the effects of writing a hotmail extended email address for our referees. Some schools indicated that an unofficial email addresses might be subject to additional scrutiny. However, I don't have anything in my mind as to the extend of this scrutiny. For example will the ad.com. be informed about this or the grad schools make some additional phone calls, or what? Sorry for the long post. I wish all of us the best of luck.
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