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Everything posted by j.peg

  1. i got into BU today after being on the waitlist since february ? it is my dream school so i am so excited and relieved. i am accepting the offer right away! good luck to everyone else !!
  2. yeah I think they have until April 15th? I am very frustrated tbh
  3. Has anyone on the BU waitlist heard anything from them yet?
  4. I didn't apply to Columbia but it seems the majority of people in this thread did, so thank you for sharing. I think it is interesting that they have been taking so long to give people their decisions, too...
  5. The subject of the email was “University of Maryland Decision awaits” and it said to check the portal to see my admissions letter.
  6. From the info sessions I have gone to it seems to be a mixture of both. They say in order to be a social worker you need to be skilled both in clinical and macro. You get a strong foundation in those two areas but can choose whether to be on the macro or clinical track. You are able to even major in clinical and minor in macro (but not the other way around) if you want. There is also a MPH/MSW dual degree program I am not sure if your interested in that but that could be related to policy. I don’t know whether i can speak about it’s reputation, besides it is a respected university and school of social work (in the top 10), but I hope that maybe helps you!
  7. I applied November 27th and heard back from Maryland on February 8th if that helps! good luck
  8. omg thank you!!! ?? i’ll be counting down the days until then
  9. Congratulations! That’s great. I am just curious, in your acceptance did they say when you needed to get back to them about a decision? I am trying to guess about when I will hear about my waitlist position. Thanks!!
  10. I applied on December 1st (priority) and heard back from them on February 11th. I was waitlisted and have been stuck on the waitlist since then. They said that I would hear back by mid April at the latest, so maybe that would be the same for you? I would email admissions if you have questions about when you will hear back though, especially if you need to tell other schools a decision by a certain date. Best of luck, hope you hear back soon!
  11. Congratulations! Are you going to accept the offer of admission?
  12. Congrats!!
  13. I would like to second this! I am currently on the BU waitlist.
  14. Thank you, fingers crossed good luck!
  15. Good luck! I hope you hear back soon.
  16. Congratulations on Fordham! Sorry to hear about BU, I am also on the waitlist. Which is your top choice?
  17. Oh wow, yeah I hope for you it comes sooner than 8 weeks! Thanks! Unfortunately, I am just regular track, not advanced standing. I emailed someone at BU and she said that I had been accepted but they just didn’t know if they had a spot for me yet, which is good to hear.
  18. I hope you hear back soon, waiting is the worst part!
  19. I would email admissions at Columbia and Hunter. If you ask, they can usually give you at least a time frame. For example, I asked BU when I could expect to hear a final decision from them (I am on the waitlist) and they said by the end of April. I sent that back to BC and they gave me an extension date of April 5th, but also said that I could ask for another one if I hadn't heard back by then. It is kind of annoying, but you need to just ask for what you need and they are usually understanding. Good luck!
  20. Congratulations! Do you think you will attend?
  21. Congrats!! Are you planning on attending?
  22. Thank you for letting me know! I really appreciate it. Good luck at BC
  23. Hi, congratulations to you! I was wondering if you have already told BU that you declined the offer? I am stuck on the waitlist and BU is my first choice. Thanks!!
  24. omg your username is so good haha. did you apply by the priority deadline? if so, my guess is February 18th or 19th.
  25. I emailed admissions for an extension! I would recommend that. I told them I was waiting to hear back from a school and the time frame that school had told me. BC admissions wrote in my acceptance I needed to respond by January 28th, but they extended it until March 1st. I think it will depend on your personal situation.
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