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    2021 Fall
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    Biomedical Engineering

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  1. I contacted the GEM representative at my university (I was already enrolled), she reached out to the school of graduate studies and said they would sponsor me. I would advise you reach out to the GEM representative or admissions to the universities you were accepted to. Maybe google "GEM representative X university" and contact them instead of using the GEM portal. I'm sure they would work some offers that way.
  2. Actually, today I spoke to a GEM representative. He told me that our profile will remain open and our chances to get a full fellowship still possible. GEM had to let applicants know by now if currently they had chances to get employer sponsorship or not, so they could take on other fellowships they may had received. However, there are still companies looking, others may have a student that changes their mind, then the company reviews again the pool application. Also, I was told that if a student accepts the associate fellowship, and by the time a company decides to sponsor them, then GEM will just change the status to full-fellow. Nonetheless, we should assume we are not getting sponsorship for now.
  3. Woah! This is incredible. Thank you for that. Hope you get the sponsorship you are looking for, ha!
  4. So, before applying to GEM, I was already enrolled in a PhD program. After the webinar, I reached out to the GEM representative at my university to see what would be the next steps to get sponsored for a full or associate fellowship. I was told that they would be willing to sponsor me as a GEM fellow for either option. Yet getting an offer by a company definitely increases your chances for the university to sponsor you. However, I was told that if I get selected for an Associate Fellowship (AF), the university would only pay for my tuition but I wouldn't get any living stipend from them or GEM. Also, If i get selected for the AF, I would need my advisor to provide them with a letter sating that my living stipend would be covered either through: a grant from our lab or TAing. I wasn't aware that for the AF they wouldn't provide any living stipend, and that is kind of useless for me since I am done with all my graduate classes. So, I would recommend you start reaching to all the GEM representatives at the universities you were accepted to and ask them: (1) If they would be willing to sponsor you, (2) what kind of aid they can provide with either full or AF, and (3) If you can stack other fellowships on top of GEM.
  5. You're not alone. Let's just hope that because of COVID everything was pushed to the end, so we get offers soon! I also sent my application the day before it was due. Yet, I still remain in a "matched" status, though idk how much that matters at this point.
  6. The seminar is today Friday, 22nd (7pm EST). I am planning to attend. I would like to get a better insight on how the process is going, how and when we get notified if we get the associated fellowship instead of the full one. I'd say attend if you have questions.
  7. Hey! it depends. According to the GEM Fellowship website: "Employer-sponsored PhD Fellows are required to intern with the selecting Employer Member at least one summer prior to the commencement of GEM Funding. Employer-sponsored MS Fellows are expected to intern every summer after their selection until completion of MS degree requirements." https://www.gemfellowship.org/students/gem-fellowship-program/ So, PhD students may be REQUIRED to work 1 summer, yet Master students will be required to work 2 summers, since most of these companies are basically training you for you to join them after you finish your degree. I'm sure, that also it depends up to the company, if they want to offer you another internship or co-op after the first summer.
  8. Hi everyone! I'm just passing by with some info, in case that is of use for you. I spoke to a GEM representative, inquiring about the status for the fellowship and any updates. I was told that because of COVID, the process may be delayed a bit more, and they would expect to continue reviewing applications until mid March or so. If you have already been accepted to a university, and haven't been reach out by an employer, you can contact the university's GEM representative and ask if the university would be willing to sponsor you through the GEM fellowship. This could also set a path for you to get the associate fellowship in case you don't get selected by any employer. Also, each employer is different, some of them would require interviews and others will just go with your application and send you an offer. If you have been selected by a company through the GEM portal, and you don't know what company is, then I would recommend to call the GEM office: +1 (703) 562-3646 and ask if they can provide you with more information. As of now, companies are still reviewing applicants. I have remained matched for about 3 weeks already.
  9. Congrats!! Did you receive this notification via email or in the egem portal? I’m still in a “matched” status, and getting a bit worried now ?. Do you mind sharing how was the process when they contacted you to accepting the offer? Thank you!
  10. I would assume the GRE data is to make sure you take it, so you can get into grad school. Yet, i don't think that's what employers would be looking at. Since, you are matched, GEM already thinks you are a good candidate. I figure your official transcript and GRE scores will be due once you get an offer.
  11. That's awesome! It's good to hear that companies are still working on the selection process. I am still "Matched" and i have been like that for a while, I thought most companies would resume after the holidays. But, good luck to you!
  12. That's awesome, congrats! This shows how the process is very different for each employer. While some companies already had their interviews, others are just starting to review their applications. I am also in a "Matched" status. I hope we start hearing from them soon!
  13. Congrats!!! Oh wow that was quite fast! As DC_ said, I would include in your application, either in your essay or in the supplemental that you already got an offer from a GEM employer. I would also call admissions once you send in your application to make sure they know you already got an offer from an employer, and if accepted to the university, you would most likely get the full GEM fellowship. If you are an incoming PhD student, I assume you would know whom you would start your lab rotations with (so reach out to that professor or PI) and let them know as well, maybe they have an easier way to communicate with the graduate admissions. Also, do you mind sharing a bit about your interview process? (questions, what they are looking for, what's the process?)
  14. My status as of now is "Matched". But previously, I went from "matched" for a week to "unmatched" for two days, and then back to "matched" again. So, it is changing quite often. Don't worry about it, all employers have access to your application and they are reviewing them. The fact that they are reviewing them does not change your status. I think GEM only suggests applicants to companies when they see keywords in your application that match what an employer may look for. However, you may get reached out by companies that you didn't list in your top 3, and even companies that do not currently appear in the GEM website as sponsors, as that list is not really updated. Just carefully check your emails and do not trash things without reading them. Good luck, fellow BME.
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