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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Francisco
  • Interests
    neurobio, genomics, molecular psychiatry
  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    UCSF, LA, SD, D, B, Hvrd, Stan, Mt sin

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Espresso Shot (4/10)



  1. Anyone know if UC Davis is done sending admission/waitlist letters? I saw someone was rejected from UC Davis NGG by mail yesterday. I also know someone who got accepted on Monday and another who was waitlisted Wednesday. Finally, the program coordinator said "We are working on sending out the Neuroscience Admission’s decisions this week." on Monday. If ppl haven't received a waitlist invite by now, I assume that means the rejection letter is coming? Any additional info would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Thank you! Got a more detailed response this morning:
  3. In case anyone is curious, apparently Stanford may not actually be done sending out invites. I emailed to ask and got an autoresponse stating:
  4. UCLA Interview invite acceptance deadline was Jan 13th. Only way would be if they have a pre-interview wait-list. I know UCD Neuro has one if not enough ppl accept their invite by the deadline.
  5. UCLA: February 5 – 6 Does anyone have the Stanford interview dates? Are they done sending invites?
  6. During the info session, they said they're going to try to interview "as many as possible" this year. Could be true if interviews are virtual.
  7. If virtual interviews, I would guess ~60% That's what it was for UCSF virtual interviews FA21 cycle.
  8. Less than it used to. In 2021, UCSF admitted under half of the people they interviewed.
  9. Phew.... ?‍? University of California, Davis Integrative Genetics and Genomics Graduate Group Interview this morning. I'll take it! ? My theory was right, genomics etc better fit than neuro in my case. Prob would have gotten more interviews if I applied to genetics for all.
  10. Yep. Still waiting to hear from both. Why oh why did I apply neuro.... Genomics, Mol Bio, BMS,Tetrad and similar are all better fits ?
  11. Aaand they did me dirty again ? Rejected around midnight
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