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  1. I was notified via phone call a month ago that I was on the waitlist for a program. Would it be okay to email and let them know that I am still interested and ask if there are any updates, or should I just keep waiting?
  2. Hi all! I'm meeting with a potential PI today for a PhD program that I was accepted to. However, I was offered a position to join a lab other than the one I apply to work in. I did get to speak with this professor briefly on interview day, but I don't know as much about his lab and advising style as my first choice that I had anticipated getting. What are some questions I should be sure to ask and are there any red flags to look out for? This is my only offer at the moment so I will likely accept, but I was a bit caught of guard by the change in PIs.
  3. Accepted into UF's PhD program! No word on funding yet.
  4. I don't think it's rude to ask at all! I would definitely ask because if you are high then there is a very good chance that at least a couple people who were offered won't accept.
  5. Update for people waiting on UF decisions. I talked with a current student this morning and she said that they are planning to send out acceptances this week! I'm not sure what the post in the results page was about, but I would assume they just put the wrong school or something because they don't admit by PI so all of the acceptances should come around the same time.
  6. They are planning to accept 12-15 students, half PhD and half EdS, so I was confused by just the one post in the results page as well. Hopefully we will all hear soon!
  7. I just saw that someone posted an acceptance from UF's PhD program on the results page. Has anyone else heard back from them?
  8. No still haven't heard from UF yet, hopefully by the end of the week!
  9. POI at one of my top schools called me and said I'm at the top of the waitlist (they don't admit directly to one professor but program as a whole). Does this mean I have a pretty good chance assuming that at least one of the people they extended offers to won't accept?
  10. Interviews happened on the 15th and the 22nd of January for USF. Still waiting to hear back after the interview though.
  11. I had a prelim interview with SF but interviewed with SNP's lab
  12. Just got an email saying a decision was made on my account for UGA and found out I was rejected Interviewed at one other school, have another interview this Friday, but haven't heard back from the rest.
  13. Has anyone heard back from USF after the interview day?
  14. I asked about their PhD spots specifically but I'm assuming they would have sent out interview invites to both. Not sure though.
  15. I interviewed with USF for their PhD program on the 15th and haven't heard back yet. I know a few people have gotten acceptances but I've heard that depending on the PI they've been calling people throughout the week on different days so trying to stay hopeful. Has anyone else heard back and do you think they are still notifying people about acceptances?
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