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  1. There's a lot built on false assumptions here but one thing to note is cancer isn't a monolith, every tumor, every cancer cell is different and the result of many aberrations. Not sure what you mean by genetic code degradation but cancer cells are more proliferative than their tissues of origin by and large? Also aging, and the causes theirin is an entire field of study on its own, telomere maintenance is a big theory but immortal cells =/= long life. You need cell death to maintain and develop. Long story short not feasible.
  2. I think the interviews started going out around the second week of december, the admin office is usually two people if they missed your email I'm sure they wouldn't mind a polite reminder email. The number I heard was ~40 invited and the cohort is around 17 people. Both BCMB and CMM are supported via training grant unlike bigger umbrella programs though so if it is your top choice let them know that, they usually really try and send admissions to people they know will go there.
  3. Current JHU CMM student here, the interview weekends are coming up. One next week. Interview schedules seem to be finalized so I'd imagine most invites are out.
  4. Hopkins CMM, it was between that and UIC for me. But honestly second guessing it now lol
  5. Oh I think that is fairly common from what I've seen, only one school I know of guarantees all years
  6. so to further complicate this I got into JHU-CMM today, but UIC did really impress me. It's a quality program in a great location, I interviewed last cycle at both UIC and Northwestern and UIC was really impressive. Why do you say the funding is iffy though? in terms of training grants or like NIH money coming in?
  7. DC/bethesda is a great town! (I'm on the waitlist for CMM lol)
  8. Currently deciding between Brown MPP or UIC GEMs, anyone here going to either of those?
  9. Yeah I hope so, I've been chatting back and forth with folks at both programs (one is the institution I am at now so I am slightly salty) I get the feeling I'm high up on the waitlist but they are being understandably cagey. I was told I am in the "upper quartile of waitlisted applicants" at my home institution, which is absolutely not useful info.
  10. Has anyone this year had any admissions off waitlist? I have two programs where I am waitlisted and one is my top choice. I feel like this year there might be a lot of shuffle even after April 15
  11. I emailed someone I interviewed with but I think the way their program is structured if you didn't get in first round you are waitlisted
  12. Last interview this week, so glad to have it over. Ended up with 2 acceptances so far (Brown MPP and UIC GEMs) waitlisted at JHU CMM and one final interview at case western BSTP. Idk where I'll end up yet
  13. saw there was an acceptance for Brown MPP anyone else hear anything?
  14. Congrats! Was the call today?
  15. To be clear it was a super nice email and they've all been great, but if you got in and wanna go somewhere else do ya boy a favor and let em know lol
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