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Everything posted by winterishere2020

  1. Hi all, did anyone attend the IBMS interview at Notre Dame and hear back already?
  2. They said there will be two interview weekends (or maybe more if some applicants cannot attend either of those two, but I ain't sure). I'd assume they sent out most if not all invitations, since the visits are coming up soon and we have already arranged our travel and stuff.
  3. Is anyone also interviewing the BME program at UVA? Do you know how many people they are interviewing and will be accepted at the end? To whoever is waiting for MD Anderson, they are not done with sending out interview invites yet. Keep the hopes up!
  4. Is there any update on the Quantitative Sciences program at MD Anderson?
  5. I picked quantitative sciences and epigenetics and haven't heard back from them yet. Did you guys reach out to the PIs there before submitting your application?
  6. Just saw it. Thank you! Really disappointed that I did not hear anything from BU - I thought I had a chance here.
  7. Has anyone heard anything from BU Bioinformatics? Any inputs are appreciated!
  8. Has anyone heard anything from Notre Dame Integrated Biomedical Science program and MD Anderson? It really surprised me that there are only a few interview invites on the result page - and they're all in medical physics and biostats.
  9. Does anyone know if Vandy IGP and Notre Dame IBMS programs sent out all interview invites already? Also, to anyone who has gone on interviews so far, what are some of the thought-provoking or strange questions you have encountered during interviews?
  10. I think other people here have already given some good advices on how to re-apply next year. The only thing that I would say is even if this doesn't work out this year, do try again next year. Ask your PI to set up some connections with the institutions that you are interested in and may be a good fit for you. You can always reach out to those institutions and the PIs there to get a sense of what kinds of grad applicants they are looking for.
  11. Just saw a lot of interview invitations on the result page. Did anyone get one? Is it a mass email from the admission committee or a personalized invitation?
  12. Did anyone here get an interview from UMass Chan? When is your interview going to be?
  13. Does anyone know if UMass Chan will send out more invites after the holidays?
  14. I don't think you should give up yet. I don't exactly know how many and what programs you applied to. But a lot of programs have not started inviting candidates for interviews or may keep sending out invites after Christmas. Just be patient and wait for a few more weeks.
  15. Another way to expand your list is to ask your mentors/ PI/ people who will write you LOR. They may have connections with certain institutions where you may also be interested in.
  16. Has anyone heard anything from Harvard BIG? I'm not sure how many of you have applied to CSHL. I emailed CSHL two days ago and yesterday they replied they're still reviewing applications and looking forward to reviewing mine. It sounds super generic, but I wouldn't lose hope yet.
  17. Hi all, I'm hoping to get into a biomedical science PhD in the coming fall and wondering if some of you may have advices on how to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner, friends, and families while you're balancing lab work, rotations, and coursework. Any advices and comments are welcome!
  18. Does anyone know when Mount Sinai and Baylor will contact candidates for interviews?
  19. Did anyone here apply to the QCB program at Princeton? Did you get an interview invite?
  20. hi everyone, I am applying to mostly bioinformatics programs but since many schools have their bioinformatics/ comp bio tracks under a biomedical science umbrella, I also applied to a few biomed programs. 1. Icahn School of Medicine - areas of interest: AI, genomics, Immunology 2. CSHL - areas of interest: quant bio 3. WUSTL - Comp bio/ human genetics Do you guys know if CSHL and WUSTL send out invites in waves?
  21. Congratulations on landing two interview invitations! Do you know if Duke has sent out all invitations? A little late to the game - but here's the list of programs that I applied to: 1. Duke - CBB 2. CSHL - Biological Sciences 3. Icahn School of Medicine - Biomedical Sciences 4. BU - Bioinformatics 5. Baylor - Bioinformatics 6. Emory - Bioinformatics 7. WUSTL - Comp Bio 8. Minnesota - Comp Bio So far I haven't heard anything from these programs. CSHL usually notifies applicants before Christmas according to the previous stats. I would assume it's a no for CSHL if I don't hear anything back from them next week. Good luck everyone!
  22. Is anyone here still waiting to hear from NYU Vilcek? Can you share what track you picked if you don't mind?
  23. Exactly like what others have said. A few things that I have heard candidates being asked are who else they want to do rotations with, what they want to achieve in the rotations, what kinds of classes they're planning to take, etc. If the PIs want to go deep to the nitty gritty details, they would probably ask you more specific questions on your research goals, eg. your expected thesis area, how you're going to approach certain potential problems, what kinds of experimental techniques you'd like to learn, whether you expect to set up new collaborations, whether you'd expect an internship elsewhere to complement with your career goals, and things like that.
  24. I also applied to CSHL but I haven't heard anything from them.
  25. it may be too late to ask this question. But I'm really curious on why schools ask you what other schools you have applied to on their online applications. Does anyone know why they're asking and if this is going to change our odds of being admitted?
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