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  1. Well that's a productive way to repurpose tarot. But when I hear tarot I usually assume people are talking about fortune telling.
  2. I don't even understand what was so controversial about your comment lol. You just gave an example of someone performing scam artistry using tarot.
  3. People I know actually pay for tarot when they're in distress and it's all bs lol
  4. Once again: if you do tarot, that's cool. Personally I think tarot is a bullshit scam more often than not. It preys on people's insecurities. If you disagree, that's totally okay but there's no reason to be hurt by what another person thinks.
  5. I don't even know who the hell Marshall Gustavman is.
  6. I'm not that guy dude. And I was saying it just to be sassy, I didn't actually mean to diminish tarot followers. Once again, I am sorry but I think you're taking this a bit too personally.
  7. I'm sorry to disappoint but I just made this account like a month ago. You have the wrong guy. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I was just being a bit sassy.
  8. I only have one account. I personally think tarot is bogus, I don't know why this offends you so much but I'm sorry if it did.
  9. Plot twist: the one who downvoted earns his money through scamming people with tarot.
  10. Lol so you're gunna try to ban me for saying that I don't think tarot is legitimate? You're either a troll or sensitive to the touch.
  11. Tarot is such bullshit. If I offended anyone, I'm not sorry.
  12. Lmao have you been on the internet before? In my experience there is no shortage of energy-leeching trolls.
  13. Do you guys realize that trolls can post fake acceptances just to fuck with ya'll
  14. What sort of factors came into play when winnowing down the final ten down to three? Did it have to do with how well the writing suited the aesthetic of the journal?
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